Thursday, March 5, 2009

Still looking...

The last couple of days have been miserable. I have been sick and Noah has been sick. Thanks to all the prayers that went up for us, we are doing much better. Seems like since we have been here, I have been sick and under the influence of medication.

I haven't really cared much whether we found a house or not. But today we spent the day driving around to different neighborhoods to see if we were interested in looking at the house. From a list of about 22 houses, we found maybe three that we plan to look inside! I am a little discouraged by this. Sometimes it wasn't necessarily the house, but the neighborhood where it was located. So hopefully tomorrow we will look inside and go from there. We have seen two inside that are on the shorter list, but nothing I am in love with.

To be honest, I am going to reserve my opinion about our new home town until I get to know it better. Read between the lines; if I didn't fall in love from the beginning, well, I'm not crazy about it. But I have been sick, so I will wait to give the verdict on whether I am glad we are moving here.

I don't have any photo's from Fayetteville yet, I haven't been up to photographing much. Maybe in a day or two.

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