Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Day of Rest

Today is a down day. A day to do a few little things in preparation for the movers to come tomorrow and start loading all of the boxes and furniture. I did stay home from church this morning. I know I should have gone, but I was just so tired; physically and emotionally. I tried to sleep in a little, but with my little alarm clock, that was an impossible thing to do.

Andrew is outside doing some yard maintenance. We took the dogs to the vet yesterday to get their yearly shots and such, so I won't have to immediately find a vet when we move. Then we took them to the kennels to stay until we leave town in a week or so. That will give Andrew time to get the yard back to where it was-- pre-dogs...

Noah and I are sitting among the ruins, (boxes), and flying our paper airplanes...

I will start cleaning the showers and tubs and bathroom areas, getting things ready to turn back over to the owner. But most of the cleaning will have to wait until everything is out of the house. I think they will be mostly done tomorrow, so the hard work for me begins...

I have to clean out our freezer and find a home for what is in there. I have tried to cook down our meat supply in the last couple months, but there is still a good bit there. We usually go to the meat market and buy one of their large packages of meat that they sell. That way I don't have to buy meat at Wal-mart or Kroger each week. And we find it to be better and in the long run cost us less this way. Anyway, the freezer needs to be emptied and unplugged so it will be ready to load tomorrow. So maybe today isn't a very restful day after all...

Here are a couple of photo's I found on the computer today. Thought I would share...

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