I talked to one of my oldest and dearest friends on the phone this evening. Well she isn't old, but I have known her since she was born. Our families have been neighbors for several generations and have been like family to us. Her mom babysat for me some when I was young and I babysat for her and her sister when they were little. When I started back to college in 1996, I think, she had just graduated from high school and we went to college together. We have been close ever since. Anyway, she is very special to me. She is getting married!! She asked me to be her matron of honor! I am so excited. I feel young again. I was in several weddings when I was younger, but it has been years since I was asked to be in a wedding!!! The wedding is next October, and we are looking for dresses. She has decided on the colors, and she is letting each of the attendents decide on the style that she will wear, as long as it is formal, that is. So I am looking for a dress. I found one that I love online, if I can find one in the colors that she is using, and it is not to expensive I would like to get it. Or one near that style anyway. I will try to attach the photo below. Anyway, we have just started the hunt, so hopefully we will find what we want.

Isn't it beautiful. You can see it and others at www.latterdaybride.com. And no we aren't Morman's. We just liked this site because they offer more modest style choices.
Hubby went to the store and bought shrimp and crab legs. We cooked them with some sausage in crab boil and Tony's seasoning. We ate and ate until we could stuff ourselves no more. We both love seafood. When we lived in Corpus Christi, we would eat crab legs often, and never got tired of them. We don't eat them much here due to the cost. But tonight we both agreed that we like to move to the coast and live off of crab legs, shrimp, lobster, fish, oysters, and other seafood. Throw in a little salad, some sushi for hubby and some occasional chocolate, and it would be heaven!! What more could you ask for to eat? So now I am stuffed from supper and declaring that I am going to lose 40 before next October. I will be slim for Daphne's wedding!!! Now to plan how I aim to accomplish this feat. Think, Think, Think...(as Pooh would say)...
Well that is about all for tonight. I finally got Little Man down for the night. And I am hoping to get a little reading in before falling asleep. I am currently reading, A Year By The Sea, by Joan Anderson. I have read it before, but felt the need to do so again. I also have A Walk on the Beach and An Unfinished Marriage, by her, waiting to be reread. I enjoyed them the first time around about two years ago. It must be something about fall...Anyway, check them out from your local library and enjoy a little retreat of your own.
I will leave you with this thought:
God gives us our relatives - thank God we can choose our friends. - Ethel Watts Mumford
Some of you may get a chuckle out of this one! And if you don't---lighten up a little bit!!
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