Friday, May 29, 2009

My Soap Box for Today....

What is it with some people who just love to wag their tongues about things that aren't true?

What is it about girls that make them so spiteful that they will out and out lie about another girl?
Complete untruths!

I am forever amazed by the depths that some girls will go to destroy another girl. They are like wolves! Trying to draw can people live with themselves, how can they look in the mirror and know that they spitefully lied about someone?

I guess I had better raising than to treat people like that. My mama taught me better and it is just a foreign concept to deliberately try to hurt someone else. And especially someone that was once a friend...

Like my granny use to say, "It wouldn't do for me to be God, I'd put a quick end to it all!"

It's a pity they don't realize that by trying to destroy someone else they are actually destroying themselves...

I just pray that God will keep us in the midst of the enemy and will prepare a table before us...

I just pray that their evil deeds will be revealed for what they are and God will turn it around for good.

That's my rant for the day. I will step down from the soap box...

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