Friday, October 3, 2008

Departure from the norm...

I realize that politics is a divisive subject, and I am not the confrontational type. I usually live by the motto; Live and let live. I am not one to force my opinion on anyone else. And I truly believe that everyone has a right to their own opinion. Doesn't mean they are right, but everyone can believe what they want.

But I have to speak here...I have heard the liberal media and the liberals that they give voice to condemn Sarah Palin because they believe she doesn't have the experience to be Vice President. They spout that line that she doesn't have the experience to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Well, Wake up folks!!! What experience does Obama have to be the actual President? He has less experience running a government than she does. The fact is, he is running for the actual job of President! And his experience consist of organizer? What's that? I know someone who has years of experience organizing community events and raising money to see things done in the community; doesn't mean she is qualified to be president.
Obama has several years experience in the Senate...
Well, Ted Kennedy has 46 years in the Senate, doesn't mean he should be president!!!

So my point is, wake up America. Don't be blind sided by the loud chants of "no experience" it is coming from the very side that is supporting someone for President that doesn't have experience to be President of the United States.

But beyond that, look at his background. He has very questionable ties to people who have tried to harm this country. His past is questionable and our knowledge of him is sketchy. It is just what "they" want us to know about him. What about the rest?

He is running against a man, who served this country and sacrificed his life and limb to defend this country and our beliefs, and freedoms. What has Obama done for this country? This race isn't about Palin and her experience or lack there of, as they would try to have us believe. This race is about two men, McCain, a man who has spent his life defending this country and protecting our rights, and Obama, someone who doesn't have the experience to be the leader of the free world. What has he done for the betterment of the United States as a whole?

Don't be fooled by the double-speak, look at the issues, not at the popularity of the candidates, but at the issues. Look at the facts, the real facts...not just the ones the liberal media is pushing to the forefront...

Vote for the good of the whole country, not just a select few. The liberal media try to tell us that the conservatives are out of touch with what the country wants...I say that we are more in touch with what people want, we are just more of a silent majority. They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease, lets not allow the loud mouth liberals to take this country away from us...

Got that out of my system!!!
Back to the regularly scheduled posting...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN!!!! Susan


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