Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Food Obsessions!

I think I have talked about this here before, but sometimes I get obsessed by certain foods. Usually it only lasts a few days, with the exception of Sushi, that took a while. Anyway, I will eat something and it will trigger this obession for that food and I have to have it. Of course, I tend to get stuck in a track and eat the same thing over and over again. I suppose that would be mindless eating or maybe just laziness. I don't want to work hard to figure out what I want to eat, so I just eat the same things. Anyway, Sunday Andrew cooked some chicken, like chicken pieces and he spiced them and marinated them. Then he put them in the oven covered in foil to steam in their own juices. Then he takes the foil off after they are done and lets the skins crisp up a little, and they are so good.

Sunday night I came in from church a little hungry but not wanting to put much on my stomach before going to bed, I decided to heat up the wings that were left from the day. I have to say, those wings must have been the most delicious things I have ever tasted, or my body was needing something in them desperately. Since then I have been obsessed with chicken wings...

Those little nibblets of goodness. Wow! Anyway, yesterday Andrew came home and decided to order pizza for supper. I didn't want pizza, so I got an order of hot wings...

Today I had to go into work for a meeting and on the way home it started. That craving, that need for more hot wings...It was so strong, I looked around for somewhere to get some, but at 10:00 am, it is kind of hard to find hot wings. So I came home, tried to forget about it. I looked through the fridge, I rummaged the cabinets, but could find nothing that I wanted to eat. All I could think of was those hot wings...

So I waited until 11:00 and called in an order of hot wings at the Pizza Hut down the street. I got ten mild buffalo wings and I ate every little piece of eatable off of them. As shameful as it is, I actually sucked on the bones!! I haven't done that since I was a kid.

I know your probably thinking what a lame post this one was, but I just had to share . I can't help wondering if I am the only one who has such obsessions with certain foods. I am sure that in a day or two, I will get my fill of chicken wings, and will continue on my merry little way, until the next time some unsuspecting food reaches out and grabs hold of my imagination and my taste buds. Boy wouldn't it be great if that food was something healthy like salad or some fruit. Why can't I obsess over tofu and bean sprouts with carrot and broccoli souffle or yogurt and banana smoothie with wheat germ...

I thought I would leave you with a good visual of my latest food obsession...

Makes you hungry doesn't it? Go ahead, admit it! It's okay, were all friends here. You can admit that your mouth is watering just thinking of how those wings would taste!

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