Sunday, June 1, 2008

Latest Acquisition

There is an antique mall/flea market just down the street from my house. I have been in there a couple of times and usually find several things I would love to have, but don't get because it is either too expensive or something I don't really need or both! But the other day I went in and found this chair that I just couldn't put out of my mind. I am usually the type of person that over thinks things before I buy or don't buy. I think of all the reasons that I don't need to spend the money, or say that I will come back another time and if it is still there, then I will consider buying it then.
But for some reason, I just couldn't get this chair out of my head. When I got home, I told Andrew about it and I called back down to the shop and asked the guy if the dealer would consider an offer. He said their policy was that they couldn't call the dealer if the price was under $100.00 but he could give it to me for ten percent off the listed price. Considering that, the chair would be about $4.00 more than what I was planning to offer for it. So I ran back down there in Andrew's truck and snatched it up. I purchased a couple of pillows and put on the back and I love it. It needs a touch up here and there, but has that great worn look that looks relaxing. It is my new sitting place.

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