Friday, July 31, 2009

On Books and Obsessions

I just read this book.

Started this one today.

Next in line...

This one is on the way.

I know, they are all by the same author. That's how I am. If I read a book I like, I read everything by that author. I know, it is a strange obsession, but as obsessions go, it could be worse...After reading through the list of most common obsessions people have, I'll take mine, thank you very much!

Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails...

Little boys and their toys...
Robots, transformers, trains and cars
Ball, bat and glove
these are the things little boys love...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I am outraged...and you should be too!

Have you seen this?
The world's going to hell in a hand basket and our president is having beer on the White House lawn...and weighing in on a matter that is actually a non-matter...
Who ever heard of such?
Why is our president even involved in this matter? If the person who was arrested had been white and the officer black, we would have never heard of this whole thing.
This is ridiculous!
The office of the president has become a joke!
And where in the world is the media? If Bush had done such a thing, you would never hear the end of the criticism...
Is it just me or is something really, really wrong in our world?!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Man-Cave

My honey in his Man-Cave doing his thing...

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Book By Its Cover...

My all time favorite time to study in American History is the World War II era, the Great Depression, and the Roosevelt years. There were so many things going on during that time period that is of interest to someone who enjoys politics and history, but there were also many social dynamics involved for someone who loves sociology. I do both.

When I find a book about that time period I like to read it whether it be fiction or non-fiction. So while in the library the other day, perusing the shelves for something that would catch my interest, I ran across an author that I have read in the past; Elizabeth Berg. There were several of her books there, some I have read like, The Year Of Pleasures, Talk Before Sleep, and The Art Of Mending. I recommend them all. There were also some I had not read. Then I saw it, the color of the background was so blue it stood out among the other books. Looking at the cover I immediately knew I had to read it.

However, it was second on my reading list once I got home. First I wanted to tackle the 544 page Michael Malone book that I picked up from the Librarian's Pick display. I have never read Michael Malone before. The fact that he lives here in North Carolina and the book was based in North Carolina and the cover appealed to me, I decided to try it. I completed the book in two days. Of course, that was only because I have been sick and haven't done much but lay around for a few days. I don't normally have the leisure of lying around in my p.j.'s being drawn into a book the way I have as of late. So this book came into my life at just the precise time, when I could devote uninterrupted hours to devouring its contents.

(Reviewers notes: The first part of the book was great, draws you in with the story line, the characters and the pace of the story. However, 200 or so pages in, there are things that the author does and says that seems like he got lazy and dropped the ball for a bit. I didn't really care for the way it ended. However, you really care about the characters and that is one thing that keeps you reading to the end. That is just my opinion.)

I do plan to read more of his writing, because his writing style was interesting and I enjoyed the characters.

I know what they say about not judging a book by its cover, but many times I have browsed through the bookstore or library and searched out books with interesting covers. And many times I have found books that I really enjoy that I might not otherwise have read, due to the fact that the cover caught my imagination. If the author has worked well with the illustrator to express the ideas that he or she wants to express, and the illustrator understands that many people are visually stimulated and the cover can cause someone to buy the book or put it back on the shelf, then you can pick a book based on the cover. The cover will capture the idea of the story. It can plant the seed for the book to grow as you read it. I have a strong suspension that I am not the only one that chooses a book based on the cover.

I don't always choose a book based on the cover, because there are so many great books that just have plain covers. Maybe the author didn't want you to become distracted by the illustrations, or perhaps didn't want to give you any preconceived notions, but wanted you to make up the visuals for yourself.

Now I am deep in the middle of the home front during WWII. Reading about young ladies who are waiting for their young men to come home from war. People working and trying to survive the rationing and new work situation, waiting for letters from abroad, worrying and wondering about the ones fighting the war. Here we are in 2009 and many are doing the same thing today. Even though the news isn't telling us about the war, there is still a war going on. There are still people leaving their families behind to go off to foreign soil to fight for our country. My neighbor did just that a few weeks ago. He left his wife and son to go, not knowing if he will come back.

Living like we do by a military base, I realize it so much more than before. I see the cost of war, I am reminded of the sacrifice daily...It seems though much of our country has forgotten that we are still at war, on more than one front...we have men and women fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan; and only God knows where else. But do you ever hear about it on the news? Very seldom...This new administration wants no part of these wars, but knows we can't just stop...

The liberal news media talked of the war and the death toll continually when Bush was in office, as if somehow blaming him for it all. ( I know that is a sticky subject, and I have to say, I don't agree with why we are there, but we are there.) Now that Obama is in office, they have quit telling us about the horror and the death due to the war, as if it suddenly stopped because Obama took over...

That is so untrue. There are still Americans fighting and dying out there and no one seems to care, because it isn't in our faces everyday like it was a couple of years ago. Because of politics and because Obama doesn't want his presidency tarnished by the effects of war...Doesn't make it not true because no one is talking about it...

I know I started rambling again, and the book cover thing I started with doesn't really have much to do with the news media hiding the war story, but in a way I think it does...covers can be deceiving, just as news coverage is deceiving...there have been times when I have chosen a book because the cover was very appealing, but found the book unreadable...I would like to buy the portrait that the media is trying sell, that the country is on the right path, things are better, the economy is coming back, and all is well on the home front as well as with the foreign relations...but when I look around at the truth of the matter, the realities of the lives of people around me...I know that I can't continue to read and buy the story the media and our government is trying to sell...All I have to do is look into the eyes of the little boy next door who doesn't know if he will ever see his dad again and see the people who are struggling to survive because of layoffs and job cuts. When I see the numbers of people loosing their jobs all around, I know that there is another story, the real story. It isn't one that is pretty but it is the one that is real, the one people are living every day...

What will the books people read fifty, sixty years from now be telling. What stories will they tell about us, about our time? Would be interesting to read how history remembers...

Smiling face...

My little ray of sunshine on an otherwise lack-luster Monday morning!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

On Being Sick...

Being sick is only good if your interested in catching up on a little reading and rest...

Which is what I have been doing the last couple of days...

Thanks to the local public library.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

An Example of 2:00AM Logic...

You know you've been up too long at night when you suddenly feel the need to photograph the contents of the fridge...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Cheap flights...

You know, according to reports I am hearing, between August 18th and sometime in November, the price of flights should hit an all time low...

Sounds like a really good time to get a great deal on a flight to SEATTLE!!!!

I am going to keep checking Travelosity for those great rates. Late summer, early fall sounds like a perfect time for getting away to the Northwest...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Trouble in Amish Paradise...

This is a very interesting video. I found it thanks to Down to Earth.
I have been fascinated by the Amish ever since I lived near an Amish community when I lived in Tennessee in the early 90's.

The video is almost an hour long, but well worth the time.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Little Sweet...

The other day Andrew was going to the store and I asked if he would bring me a bag of peanut M&M's. This is what he brought home...

...The can of DrPepper is there just to show you how huge this bag of M&M's is...

Do you know how many calories this bag has in it? Does he really want to me to be the one ton woman? Thank God I have kiddo's to help me eat them, otherwise they would go bad before they were all eaten.

Was there really such a demand for large amounts of chocolate and peanuts that they decided they needed to create this monstrosity? You could feed a small country with these...

The bag is so huge it required its own grocery sack to bring it home in...

So in spite of my lack of sleep lately due to sick children, I am running around like a five year old all hyped up on sugar and caffeine...

I really need to make several trips a day to Curves instead of one...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Just checking...

Testing 1...2...3... testing....

Is this thing on?


Random thoughts...

You know it is a shame I don't live in Georgia... Since we were talking about it and all...(Huh?)

There are so many great songs written about the place...

Must be some ancient calling from my ancestral past drawing me in...

The story goes like this; my Paw Paw Holaway was carried all the way from Atlanta, Georgia, behind a horse and buggy to Louisiana, (why Louisiana, like it was so much better there.)

He was a new born baby and the wagon was to bumpy for him to ride's a major ordeal to drive from Georgia to Louisiana with a baby, can you imagine having to walk and carry a baby that far? And you know they didn't have disposable diapers back then, or baby wipes for that matter! eeewww!
Who decides to pick up camp and move across the wilderness when their wife just delivered a baby anyway? Just like a man!

...anyway...the reality is I have no desire to live in Georgia. No offense to those of you who do live there, it just isn't a place I care to live. Not saying I won't ever live there because you know how the river of life flows...

In that vein, I have downloaded a couple of my favorites songs about Georgia, because of that ancestral thing and all...

Hope you enjoy this little musical tribute to Georgia...

Singing about Georgia: dreaming about Seattle...

Rainy Day Visitor...

Today during the rain I looked out on the back deck and saw this little squirrel on the top railing chowing down on a piece of dog food! He sat there for the longest...he didn't seem to mind that he was getting wet, he was just enjoying his treat!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Of ER visits and Goodbyes...

Things with which my weekend consisted...

Friday night, actually Saturday morning around 3:00am, Little Man woke with a horrible barking, dry cough. He could hardly talk and got very upset, and was having trouble breathing...

I immediately gave him a dose of benadryl in case he was having an allergic reaction of some sort. After a few minutes and he was still having trouble breathing without a major Darth Vader sound, we took him to the ER...

I want to shout out for the local ER, they have a separate ER for children!! I was so very impressed by that. We didn't have to wait at all to be taken back and treated. Maybe that is a common thing in some places, but it hasn't been my experience in the past when I had to make ER visits with the kids...not that we've done it much, but we have a few times in the past twenty years of parenting...

They gave him two breathing treatments and a dose of steroid--that did the trick, got him very jazzed!!

He has croup and a bronchial we are doing breathing treatments every four hours and as needed plus five days of steroids...(Read-hyper little hulk boy)!

Lauren left Saturday to go back to Little Rock...twice...

The first time Andrew took her to the airport and they had over booked the flight, so they had to reschedule several people...

They came home for a few hours and I took her she went...

She left on the midnight train to Georgia...actually the 8:00 plane to Little Rock, via Charlotte, but that doesn't make for very good song lyrics now does it?

So we sadly said goodbye and are moping around today adjusting to her being gone, again...

How about something easy to fix and comforting to eat?? I need some soup, maybe Potato and Leek, but I don't feel like doing all the work...

How about some piggies in a blanket...

Quick and easy...cocktail sausage and some crescent roll dough cut into strips, add a little non-stick spray. Put in the oven for twelve minutes or so...voila...add mustard and enjoy...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Digging up Bones, err...roots?

Yesterday the kids and I drove down to a little place called Gibson, North Carolina. This is where one side of my family originated...well, where they settled when they came here from Scotland, anyway.

There is a family cemetery there and a lot of things that have the Gibson name. There was once an old home place where my great, great grandfather was born. His dad lived in the house until his death in 1907. At one time it was turned into a museum, but I was told that it burned down.

After coming home, we spent time on the computer researching the family name and finding out who was who. We especially enjoyed reading the different names of our ancestors.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

My Front Porch

Welcome to my humble abode!

Come on up and sit a spell!

This is what I was doing most of yesterday evening.

Just sitting on the porch with my feet propped up on the rail...

Watching the clouds, reading magazines,

...and looking through my basket of treasures...

These are some of the treasures Megan and Noah and I picked up from the shoreline on the Outer Banks...

The colors and textures are amazing...

especially for a colors and textures freak like myself...

God is such an amazing artist! His work is so beautiful! The colors and lines and textures excite the senses and delight the soul!

The weather was perfect for just sitting on the porch, catching the breeze, listening to my chimes sing their song...looking at the cloud formations, and watching two humming birds flutter around drinking from the feeders...God offers such and array of delights and gifts for us if we would just slow down and sit quietly and open our eyes...


I have always had a fasination with boats and anything nautical. I especially love to see boats lined up in a row like these. The colors and the repeating pattern of the boats are just beautiful to me.

Just thought I'd share what I was thinking about today.


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