Saturday, July 4, 2009

My Front Porch

Welcome to my humble abode!

Come on up and sit a spell!

This is what I was doing most of yesterday evening.

Just sitting on the porch with my feet propped up on the rail...

Watching the clouds, reading magazines,

...and looking through my basket of treasures...

These are some of the treasures Megan and Noah and I picked up from the shoreline on the Outer Banks...

The colors and textures are amazing...

especially for a colors and textures freak like myself...

God is such an amazing artist! His work is so beautiful! The colors and lines and textures excite the senses and delight the soul!

The weather was perfect for just sitting on the porch, catching the breeze, listening to my chimes sing their song...looking at the cloud formations, and watching two humming birds flutter around drinking from the feeders...God offers such and array of delights and gifts for us if we would just slow down and sit quietly and open our eyes...

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