Today is a national holiday and the country is getting ready to swear in a new president tomorrow. But for myself, today is another day full of activities; Gymboree for Noah, lunch with a friend, Ortho appointment for Megan, and pick Lauren up at the airport this evening. Throughout the day I will also be remembering a dear friend of mine who passed away several years ago.
Her name was Tina. We went to school together from 7th grade until we graduated. We were friends and had a lot of fun times together with our group of friends. We were also distantly related.
Tina married later than most of us, I think she was in her early 30's when she married. She had two boys within a short time after marrying.
Tina liked to joke around and had a good personality. I will always remember her laugh.
The photo above was taken on our senior trip to Red River, New Mexico. She was 18, this was 1984. We went to New Mexico on a skiing trip. Can you just imagine kids from Louisiana going snow skiing? It was a lot of fun, but most of us had never seen that much snow in our lives. This was at the end of the trip and we were all pretty tired and worn out. I can just imagine what our chaperone's felt like!!
While I was living in Kentucky; May 2000- Dec 2003, my mom called me one day and told me the news.
I was later told that she and her husband were buying a home, and she was very excited about it. In fact, I was also told that she woke up that morning, leaving her two young boys with her mother, and drove to a nearby town to sign the papers on their new home. It is told that she said to her mom, "this is the happiest day of my life!" While at the bank, or finance company to sign the paperwork for the loan, she suffered a massive heart attack and couldn't be revived.
She was in her 30's. She left a husband and two little boys...
Today would have been her birthday. She would have been 43.
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