Friday, January 2, 2009

The new year ahead...

The new year has me thinking about fresh starts,
new beginnings, things past, things present
and things to come...
I am thinking of shedding some things;
pounds, habits, thoughts, feeling, clutter, old ideas,
things that aren't working for me...
Letting go of past hurts, disappointments,
and expectations...
While holding close wonderful memories, good friends,
and still attainable dreams...
I don't like to call them resolutions
I don't like to name them out loud
I just prefer to spend a few days at the beginning of the year
clearing away the clutter of the past year and thinking on
ways to make the coming year better...
So I will be working on my "list" of thoughts and ideas for the year ahead
I may share some of them here, but some of them will be things that I will keep to myself
for they will be things that require inward reconstruction and maintenance...

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