Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Family History

This post is basically a call out to my extended family that read this blog. I hope you all are still out there reading occasionally at least. I first want to say thank you to those of you who do read my pathetic attempts at writing/journaling, whatever you call it, and thank you for the nice comments you leave and the emails you send. I am honored to have you reading.

So this post is to talk about something that I have been thinking on lately. I would love for us to have a family journal. I would like to get a journal and pass it around for each O'neal family member to write memories they have of growing up in our family. It could be memories of Grandma, or any other family member, memories of the old homeplace, times spent at family gatherings, anything related to growing up part of the O'neal clan.

I have so many memories from childhood that include our extended O'neal family. I suppose I am getting old, but I want to somehow document those things, so that I can pass that along to my children. I can remember so many times when the extended family was together at the old homeplace. You all are such a big part of my childhood. I want to share those memories with my kids.

I am just in the beginning stages of this latest plan, but it goes something like this: I will purchase a journal and we will pass it around to all the family members that would like to participate, each of you share memories you have. You could include copies of photo's you especially want to share, recipes you have that have a family connection or just something you would like to include. Whatever you want to contribute to the journal would be fine. Not only will it include things from the past but you can also include things about your family so that we can all get to know you now and things about your family now. It will be a "living" journal, a work in progress...

After the journal has made its rounds then I could have it published through a online publishing company and everyone could get a copy through the publishers.

My idea was to notify each family, by that I mean each of the offspring of the original seven brothers and sisters, and those who will be willing to participate will be placed on a list and the journal will be mailed, or passed around if you live close to each other, until it goes to everyone, then back to me for publishing. In the process, you each get to read what other have written before you! Then in the end, we could have photo's past and present put into the journal and everyone could have a great copy of a little piece of family history.

What do you think? Yes, it will involve a little effort, but I would love to see it happen. If you think it would be a good idea, let me know. If you think it is a silly idea; well keep your thoughts to yourself! LOL! No, not really, just kidding. But seriously, what do you think? Let me know, either by leaving a comment or sending an email. I don't have email addresses or home addresses for all of you, very few of you actually. So let me know, maybe I could get a little help with email and snail mail addresses from some of you.

Okay, so there is one of my project ideas for 2009. Now, I am just waiting to hear from you...

I am waiting...
Still waiting.....
I'll just go wait someplace else........

Give you a chance to think it over and you know, get back to me
when you can........

1 comment:

David said...

Hey Dee Dee..or is it D.D.; Honstly I am not sure! :) Kim came by my place yesterday and gave me the address to your blog site. This is great and so is your idea about the family journal, so count me in. I have saved your site to my favorites and I will be checking it out. Be sure to tell everyone in your family we said hello. Take Care!
David Wayne


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