Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving--peace

{peaceful life by alvinokey}
(Once again the photo really had little to do with the post. I found it on the internet and I thought it seemed very peacful.)

Today I am thankful for God's many blessings in my life. He has been so very good to me. Andrew and Lauren made it in around 1:00 am. Everyone is snoozing away catching up on sleep. I am up at usual time sitting at my desk looking down onto the street. It is very foggy this morning, I can hardly see the houses up the way.

I love the quiet and peacefulness of the early morning when I sit alone in my creative space. It is my time to renew myself. I can sit here and pray, read the word, just think, surf the web, write, or work on my latest project. Sometimes I listen to music, but sometimes I just listen to silence.

This morning being Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the peace that God has given me in my life. I am thankful for the calm in my spirit, knowing that He is my Everything...In Him I can rest and know that He is looking out for me and taking care of my need. I know that He cares for the little things in my life as well as the big things. And no matter what I am facing, I can be assured that He will work it out for good.
We aren't having a traditional Thanksgiving day meal. We just want to do easy and relaxing for the day. So I have some sliced turkey for sandwiches along with salad and some light dips and salsa. I did buy some Stacy's pita chips to go with the dip. They are suppose to be a little better for you than regular chips. And because Andrew asked for some, I am doing piggy's in a blanket. We decided since they had traveled all day yesterday and were worn out from the moving, we would just take it slow and easy with no particular agenda for the day. Just a day together as a family, laughing and enjoying each others company. Making memories, as my mom always says.
I hope each of you feels as blessed and peaceful as I do on this beautiful day that God created. I will definitely rejoice and be glad in it.

May each of you have a peaceful and blessed Thanksgiving day. Enjoy the little blessings in your life, knowing that every good and perfect gift is from God above. Today is the day to express to Him thanksgiving and to show the people in your life just how much you love and appreciate them. God bless you all!

Monday, November 23, 2009

November Rain

It is a rainy Monday in November. A bit of cool in the air but certainly not the winter-y November that we have known in the past.

Yesterday we had to get up and get Andrew to the airport at an ungodly early hour. When we got home, I had hoped to get a little nap in before getting up and going the church. But Noah couldn't go back to sleep. So we were up...we made it to the 9:00am service and then home for a low key day. It was rainy and we just relaxed for most of the day. Noah ended up taking a long nap that of course kept him from going to sleep at a decent hour last night. He was awake until after midnight! Guess who else had to be awake that long...But just as usual, six o'clock rolls around and I am wide awake. So it is official, I must be getting old, turning out like my grandma, up before the chickens!

Andrew is in Little Rock helping Lauren pack and put her things into storage. They will hopefully be back here for Thanksgiving. I still don't plan a big to-do. Just the five of us. Very low key. They will be tired and wanting to rest after a busy week and
the drive back here. I will probably do some Cornish game hens, maybe a little dirty rice and a veggie. Nothing like years past. Healthy and two key words for this year.
Christmas this year will be low-key. A simple and easy affair. Minimalistic is the key word. We are going to put up our tree next Saturday, maybe a little decor on the front of the house. I do plan to do a small amount of shopping. But I don't plan to be out on Christmas eve trying to finish up, like I have in years past. We have decided to scale down this year. For most years, we go all out with the kids...stretch ourselves to
make Christmas morning a big affair...but simplifying has been the theme this year for me...downsizing...physically, emotionally, and with our possessions. So Christmas will continue that theme. Really, the kids have everything they need or want...of course, being human, there is always something else we want...a new version of this or that...the latest model of whatever...but the reality is they have more than enough already...
Getting back to basics; the true meaning of and family...simplicity and giving of ourselves as God gave of himself on that very first Christmas...

The world has become so wrapped up in commercialism of every single holiday. The business world has used every holiday as an excuse to make money...we are so programmed to buy, spend, buy, spend...hopefully with the economy being like it is this year, more people will downsize and find the true meaning of Christmas...

But first, Thanksgiving...

I am thankful for all of God's blessings...for my family, for life, health, love...I am thankful for God's mercy and His grace...I am humbled that He has blessed me in such a wonderful way...

Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever. psalm 136:1

Norman Rockwell
Freedom from want...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Of Birthdays and Blessings...

Message I wrote in the sand when Andrew and I visited the Pacific Ocean

Well today was a good day. I grew another year wiser. I spent the morning with the family and cleaning up around my creative space. Doing some necessary organizing, getting ready for Lauren to come and then my parents visit in December.

We made the 11:00 service this morning and it was a great one. God is such an awesome God. His blessings are so great, above all that we can ask or think...

I got in a great workout this afternoon. I am trying to increase my stamina for longer durations so when I start running, I won't get as winded. I know that may be a strange approach, but so far it is working. I am within four pounds of the goal I set for Thanksgiving. With a week and a half to go, maybe I can lose another pound or two by then. Once I reach that goal, then I will have 15 pounds left to lose to reach my final goal. As of today, I have lost twenty pounds since August. But the aspect of it that I am most proud of is the exercise. I have really made that a priority and it is paying off. I can see a big difference. So can Andrew, so that is very encouraging. When I finished my workout today, he told me that he was very proud of me and very impressed with my exercise discipline. Although I am not doing it for accolades or recognition from someone else, it does feel good to know that my husband is noticing.

This time, I am doing this for me...because I deserve it. I deserve to feel good about myself and my accomplishments. I don't want anything to hold me back from the things I want to do in life. Although I didn't have tons of weight to lose, I was still over what I should be for my body type and my bone structure. I allowed that to hinder me from so many things. But mostly, I want to be in good physical shape so that as I get older, I can possibly avoid some of the illnesses that befall those who have extra weight on them. I also want to be physically able to run and be more active. I do have a four year old son that is very active. As the years go on, I want to be able to keep up. I have always wanted to run marathons. Losing the weight is getting me closer to that goal. Not to mention all the cute clothes I will be able to fit into! HA! HA!

Well, it is getting down to the end of the day, I am getting tired and plan on resting this evening. God forgive me for not going to church tonight. But I do plan to listen to a preaching CD and get my praise on here at home tonight.

Today, as I turned 43, I want to say how thankful I am for all of God's blessings...I am thankful for God living inside of me, guiding me daily, blessing me beyond measure. I am thankful for my family, our health, and all the things God has added unto us. There are so many blessings that I can't name them all. I am thankful...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Around the house this weekend...

This weekend Andrew was gone to the golf tournament, so the kids and I just spent our time lazing around the house just doing whatever we felt like doing. Which turned out to be--not much!

We spent some time outdoors in the sunshine. Well, Noah was playing outside and I was sitting in one of the red deck chairs reading.

Megan and I also did some crocheting. Megan is working on a throw to give to someone as a Christmas gift. I won't reveal who that someone is, I don't want to spoil the surprise.

It all started with this yarn. I had this laying around for a long time and finally decided to do something with it. I first thought I would make a scarf but when I got into it, I decided to try something else. Then I just stopped not sure what direction I was heading with it.
Saturday after Megan's art class we went to Michaels and I bought this yarn. I have been wanting to add some color to the living room and like the blue and brown together. So I started working on a throw to put on the couch.

Mister BeauxJangles was looking quite dapper on Saturday. He posed very nicely for his photo. I know he is really thinking that he would like for me to open the door and toss out some goodies.
Sadie is looking in to see what is going on inside. I think she is ready to come in for the evening. She is an early to bed, early to rise little doggie. So I think she is ready to come in and get in her bed.
And finally, after playing outside and getting a bit dirty, Noah was getting cleaned up and decided to have a little fun with the soap bubbles. He said he looked like daddy with a beard.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Today is Friday November 6. The year is 2009...

As I type this I have my feet propped up on the deck, sitting in the sunshine. There is a slight breeze blowing and the temp is 62*. I am fairly sure I got my fascination with knowing the temperature from my grandma. As long as I can remember her morning ritual consisted of walking out onto her front porch and checking the temperature. She had a big metal thermometer nailed to one of the porch post. It was rusty and you could just make out the RC Cola logo that had at one time been painted on it. She would go back into the kitchen and write on the calender what the temperature was that morning. She kept old calenders in a kitchen drawer so that one could look back and compare the temps to previous years.

I have often thought of doing this myself, since I now have that thermometer, but I suppose keeping records of day to day temperatures is no longer a necessity like it was in my grandma's time. If I want to know what the temp was on a certain day in the past, I can just go to a web site and look it up. But just for tradition sake I think I may start doing as she did. That way, one day in the distant future, my kids or grandchildren can look back with fondness on my little habit of making note of the daily temps. Sorta like carrying on a tradition...

Speaking of traditions...with the holiday's drawing near I have been again, as I always do, thinking of the traditions that we as a family keep. Moving around like we do, we don't have traditions that relation to a place or location. Like some people go to the same festival or parade every year, or eat at the same restaurant to celebrate an event. Or even go to the same pumpkin patch or Christmas tree farm each year. Since those types of things are virtually impossible for nomads like ourselves, we have to choose traditions that we can do no matter where we find ourselves.

One tradition we have is putting up our Christmas tree the first weekend in December. We usually all gather around and put on an Elvis Christmas CD and decorate the tree as a family. I am glad that Lauren will be with us to continue the tradition this year. I was afraid that she may not be here at that time. But due to her job situation she is giving up her apartment in Little Rock, putting her things in storage and moving in with us for a few months.

Thanksgiving is approaching and I am thinking about how to have a semi-traditional fare while still eating I have been searching for healthy, clean recipes that would still fall into the traditional categories. Turkey is a clean healthy meat, so I think the turkey is a safe bet. However the traditional corn bread dressing that I am so fond of isn't so clean and healthy. Veggies are clean and healthy as long as they aren't loaded down with the extra fats that we love to add to them. With all of this in mind, I am working on a Thanksgiving day menu.
However, Thanksgiving is still up in the air for now. Our original plan included us going to Tennessee to be with Andrew's family. But now Andrew will be flying to Little Rock the weekend before Thanksgiving to help Lauren move her things into storage and they will begin heading back here the day before Thanksgiving. We talked about them driving to Tennessee and us meeting them there. Having Thanksgiving and heading back here on Friday. But the trip for us would be 11 hours one way...I just can't imagine driving 11 hours on Wednesday, having Thanksgiving on Thursday and then driving 11 hours back on Friday. I am all about simplicity, and for me, that doesn't seem simple. It seems like two long tiring days with a little bit of rest and visiting in between. It just seems like to long of a trip for one day. " To much sugar for a dime", as my grandma use to say. We would also have to board the dogs from Tuesday until Saturday and at the current rate for three doggies that would be around $150 just for the dogs, add in gas for both vehicles plus the little extras of eating and snacking on the road and Thanksgiving could not only be tiring but a bit expensive as well.

The other option would be for Lauren and Andrew to drive to Tennessee and stay there for Thanksgiving and Megan, Noah and I would stay here and have Thanksgiving---alone! Boy doesn't that sound like fun! It would be the first Thanksgiving that I ever spent without family. Of course I would have two of the kids here with me, but it still seems like a lonely option.
So now, we aren't sure yet what we will be doing. If Andrew and Lauren do go to Tennessee and we stay here, then I think I will hold Thanksgiving dinner off until say Saturday or Sunday when we will all be here together. I suppose as long as were thankful, it shouldn't matter what day we celebrate it.

So with all of these thoughts in my head, traditions seem to be weighing heavily on my mind. It got me to wondering about traditions that other families share. How do each of you spend Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthday's or other holidays? Are there special things that you do from year to year?

Since I am one for keeping records and writing down memories, several years ago I started making printed sheet of copy paper decorated with traditional Thanksgiving graphics and writing at the top of the page; This Thanksgiving I am Most Thankful for: I then record the year and the location we are having Thanksgiving. I ask that each person in attendance write on the page what they are most thankful for that year. I have some that date back to the late 1990's when we were still in Louisiana. I enjoy looking back on them and seeing who all shared in our holiday's. I haven't done it every year, although I wish I had started it sooner and had not skipped some years. But starting this year, I want to do it every year here on out...It is a wonderful thing to put into a binder and look at each Thanksgiving and remember.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

New Mercy--My Portion-My Provision

"Lamentations 3:22-24 (King James Version)
22 It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because
his compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
24 The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him."

As I awoke this morning, this scripture kept rolling around in my head. Each time I read it, I became more and more aware that God's mercy is new for me each and every morning. That He is faithful and He is my portion. He is my source of---of everything...spiritual, physical, emotional, material...He alone is my source. He is my portion and because of that my cup is full and running over. I have no other need aside from Him and His provision.

When you really grasp that concept and accept it, well, it is very liberating--freeing to know that the God of glory, the one that created EVERYTHING, is my provider--of EVERYTHING! There is nothing that I have need of that He alone cannot supply...

WOW! So why do I worry, why do I fret...Because my God, my portion, my provision, has NEVER failed me, nor will He EVER fail me!
He knows what I have need of even before I have the need...He holds my life, my future all in the palm of His very capable hands...And before I even know what to ask Him for, He, the all knowing, loving God, already has made the way, already has the answer...

He truly is my portion, my provision...and He is faithful...I am very humbled that He would be so mindful of me...

For this I am so very thankful.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

All My Marbles...

*The photo has nothing to do with this post. I was just going through some pics I have taken in the past and liked the way this one looked. It was taken at Petite Jean State Park in Arkansas*

I haven't posted much lately...I have been busy with the daily business of being a stay-at-home-homeschooling-mom. The daily chores of housekeeping, school, cooking and mothering seem to be taking more time than usual as of late. I have also been using my "spare" time exercising and looking at recipes and reading about clean eating. That has taken up a lot of my time...but I am determined that THIS time I will see it through and get into the physical shape that I have always hoped I could.

The weather has been awesome lately. Right now as I type this, the sun is shining in through the blinds and the outside temp is 52*. It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day ahead.

It is already November! I can't believe how the year has passed. My birthday is just around the corner...43, Wow! When did that happen? How did I suddenly become a woman in her 40's?

I know it didn't happen overnight...But looking back it seems like the years have just slipped away. Then one day I woke up and I was 40...Forty didn't bother me like it does some people, but it was the fact that after 40 comes 41, 42, 43 and so on. Then you wake up and your in your 50's then 60's and well...time just slips right on by...

Which makes me begin to question; how I am spending these days that God has given me? What am I doing with this life I am blessed to have? Am I getting bogged down by the daily drudge of life and allowing the problems and pressures of life to drain me of the strength and energy that I should be using productively? Am I on mission? Or have I gotten off course somewhere and somehow?

Will I look back from some future self and see where I wasted years and have regrets? My greatest fear is to get to the end of life's road and look back with regret for something I didn't do. That I would allow fear to keep me from accomplishing something I wanted to do; something I was put here to do...

I suppose this month, the month of my birth, is one of reflection and contemplation. Reflection on the past and the issues that I bring from it affects who and what I am today. Contemplation of the present and future that is out before me...

Every decision that I am making today will affect my future. Every day is a gift waiting to be unwrapped and enjoyed. So this got me to thinking about a story I once read. I looked it up on the Internet and have added a link to it below for you to read or reread if you have already read it. I think it is a story that we should read often and take to heart.

Monday, November 2, 2009


My little trick or treaters all ready for the night. Noah loves transformers and Bumble Bee is his favorite. Megan decided to be a cat, it was an easy, no cost costume...

And no, Megan is not that short, she was on her knees...LOL!


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