It is a rainy Monday in November. A bit of cool in the air but certainly not the winter-y November that we have known in the past.
Yesterday we had to get up and get Andrew to the airport at an ungodly early hour. When we got home, I had hoped to get a little nap in before getting up and going the church. But Noah couldn't go back to sleep. So we were up...we made it to the 9:00am service and then home for a low key day. It was rainy and we just relaxed for most of the day. Noah ended up taking a long nap that of course kept him from going to sleep at a decent hour last night. He was awake until after midnight! Guess who else had to be awake that long...But just as usual, six o'clock rolls around and I am wide awake. So it is official, I must be getting old, turning out like my grandma, up before the chickens!
Andrew is in Little Rock helping Lauren pack and put her things into storage. They will hopefully be back here for Thanksgiving. I still don't plan a big to-do. Just the five of us. Very low key. They will be tired and wanting to rest after a busy week and
the drive back here. I will probably do some Cornish game hens, maybe a little dirty rice and a veggie. Nothing like years past. Healthy and easy...my two key words for this year.
Christmas this year will be low-key. A simple and easy affair. Minimalistic is the key word. We are going to put up our tree next Saturday, maybe a little decor on the front of the house. I do plan to do a small amount of shopping. But I don't plan to be out on Christmas eve trying to finish up, like I have in years past. We have decided to scale down this year. For most years, we go all out with the kids...stretch ourselves to
make Christmas morning a big affair...but simplifying has been the theme this year for me...downsizing...physically, emotionally, and with our possessions. So Christmas will continue that theme. Really, the kids have everything they need or want...of course, being human, there is always something else we want...a new version of this or that...the latest model of whatever...but the reality is they have more than enough already...
Getting back to basics; the true meaning of Christmas...love and family...simplicity and giving of ourselves as God gave of himself on that very first Christmas...
The world has become so wrapped up in commercialism of every single holiday. The business world has used every holiday as an excuse to make money...we are so programmed to buy, spend, buy, spend...hopefully with the economy being like it is this year, more people will downsize and find the true meaning of Christmas...
But first, Thanksgiving...
I am thankful for all of God's blessings...for my family, for life, health, love...I am thankful for God's mercy and His grace...I am humbled that He has blessed me in such a wonderful way...
Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever. psalm 136:1
Norman Rockwell
Freedom from want...
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