Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Around the house this weekend...

This weekend Andrew was gone to the golf tournament, so the kids and I just spent our time lazing around the house just doing whatever we felt like doing. Which turned out to be--not much!

We spent some time outdoors in the sunshine. Well, Noah was playing outside and I was sitting in one of the red deck chairs reading.

Megan and I also did some crocheting. Megan is working on a throw to give to someone as a Christmas gift. I won't reveal who that someone is, I don't want to spoil the surprise.

It all started with this yarn. I had this laying around for a long time and finally decided to do something with it. I first thought I would make a scarf but when I got into it, I decided to try something else. Then I just stopped not sure what direction I was heading with it.
Saturday after Megan's art class we went to Michaels and I bought this yarn. I have been wanting to add some color to the living room and like the blue and brown together. So I started working on a throw to put on the couch.

Mister BeauxJangles was looking quite dapper on Saturday. He posed very nicely for his photo. I know he is really thinking that he would like for me to open the door and toss out some goodies.
Sadie is looking in to see what is going on inside. I think she is ready to come in for the evening. She is an early to bed, early to rise little doggie. So I think she is ready to come in and get in her bed.
And finally, after playing outside and getting a bit dirty, Noah was getting cleaned up and decided to have a little fun with the soap bubbles. He said he looked like daddy with a beard.

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