Monday, December 31, 2007
New Year!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
100 Mile Diet
Thursday, December 27, 2007
New Year preparations
I am coming out of what I call"my three year funk". For the last three years I have gone through something... I am not really sure what. A trial, a dry place, a funk... whatever it is, and whatever the reason for it, only God knows, I hope that I am at the end of it. And I feel like there has been a re-awakening of sorts. I feel more alive and in touch with things than I have in the past three years. My mind is clearer, and my feelings and emotions are more balanced. I feel positive and have made positive changes in my life. First of all, I have lost 15 pounds and am working to lose more. I am exercising again, and I am making plans. However, one of my favorite saying is: "We make plans and God laughs." Not that He is laughing at us, but he is amused that we can make plans about a future that we have no idea about. I know that God supplies our needs and many times He gives us our WANTS also. He has for me many times in my life. So I don't mean, don't make plans, just make plans prayerfully and understanding that even the best laid plans go astray, and sometimes God has some detours in mind along our journey. And it is in those detours that He teaches us the lessons we need to learn in our lives. I know that He has been trying to teach me things over the past three years, and I hope I have been a good student and learned the lessons well. I know that I am a different person today than I was three years ago. I have different priorities and different aspirations. God is an amazing God and He will continues to strive with me, even in my frailties and humanity and carnality. He is still a loving God who is patient with me even when I don't get the lesson at first. Thank you God for being my constant companion.
I read a book by Robert Fulghum last week. It is his newest work called, What on Earth Have I Done. I have always appreciated his wit and wisdom. In an interview I heard with him, he said that when he was in seminary, he was told to keep his eyes open and try to be useful. Really, isn't that a great piece of advice...Keep your eyes open to those around you and what is going one around you---and do what you can to be useful in this world. I just thought that was great advice for all of us to follow. Be sensitive to those around you and use what you have been blessed with to be useful to others.
Again a new year is coming, and it offers each of us an opportunity to start fresh. All the things you wanted to do, but haven't, well now is your chance. My husband's job has moved us around some through the years and I always enjoyed moving to a new place. It offered so many possiblilities. It afforded me the opportunity to become anything I wanted to become, in the sense that the people I would be meeting didn't have any idea about me. There were no preconcieved ideas or notions about how I was suppose to act or what kind of personality I possessed. So I could become anything I wanted to be. When you are in one place all of your life, and people know you, they know your past, your mistakes and all your failures, sometimes they tend to keep you that person. The person you have always been. So it is hard to change in that type of environment. But new places, new people and a new life, offers opportunity to change without all the criticisms.
We have been in Arkansas for three years now. The three hardest years of my life. Three of the worst years of my life. Not saying anything against Arkansas, just that my time here has been difficult due to this trial I have been going through. The best thing about the past three years was the birth of my son. I suppose God knew that I needed something wonderful to help carry me through the hard times I was facing. Of course, my family is always something wonderful in my life, that goes without saying.
So with the new year approaching, I am contemplating the year ahead and thinking of ways to make my life more like the life that God intends it to be. I am going to search for the person that God wants me to become and hopefully come closer to that image that God imagined when he gave me life. I know that the past three years have been my training time, God has been teaching me, correcting things that weren't right about me, removing things from my life that didn't belong. Yes, it has been hard, and painful at times. I have cried and felt desperate at times. But through it all God was always there with me encouraging me and telling me that I could make it through. And with His help I am...
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
The best Christmas ever...
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Sunday memories
The funeral was yesterday in my husband's hometown in Tennessee. We drove in on Friday afternoon for the family visitation and stayed until after the funeral yesterday. My sister-in-law's church had a meal for the family and after we ate we decided to pack up and head home. We got home about 9:00pm last night.
Andrew's dad was always kind to me and he helped us some through the years when we needed help. When we were first married and Andrew got out of the military, we returned to his hometown. Andrew's dad bought a house for us to live in. I was always very grateful for his kindness. I will miss him. I just wish I could have had the chance to tell him one last time---Thank you!
This is the second loss for my family this year. In June my grandmother passed away. I miss her so very much. She was so many things to me in my life...She was a wonderful Mawmaw and she gave so much to me through the years. She was patient, loving, kind...If I could have ten minutes with her now---I would just want to say Thank you for all you were in my life, and all you gave to will live on in so many ways in my life. Each time I make homemade biscuits, I will think of the many times as a child I watched her need the dough and roll out the bicuits. She always gave me some of the dough so I could make a little biscuit. She would put it in is own pan and cook it for me. Of course, it would always be lumpy and hard, because I didn't know how to do it like she did. Even now, although I have learned to make a pretty good biscuit, they still aren't as good as Mawmaw's. And never will be.
There are so many memories just like that one, that will forever shape the person I am today. She played a big part in my life, and I would just like to say Thank you were the best!!! Although you didn't accomplish great feats by the worlds standards, you were just an ordinary woman, living an ordinary life. You were an outstanding grandma that offered so much more than you realized. There are so many things, little things each day, that keep you alive for me. The memories of you are little treasures that I like to find in my ordinary day. Thank you for giving them to me...
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Thoughtful Tuesday
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Happy little girl
Lauren is getting ready to go to work. And Noah is up and going.....He woke up before 6:00 this morning! I was hoping to have a little me time after Andrew left for work, but "little man" is going strong.
I need to do some shopping soon. Lauren is going to be off on Friday, so maybe she will stay here and watch Noah while I go do some Christmas shopping. I am trying to figure out what to get Noah. We bought an organizer for his room the other day and made his bed into a "big boy" bed. I bought canvas organizers to put his books in and made a little reading corner for him. I took out the book shelf and rearranged his room so he has more room to play. I am going through his things and taking some to Goodwill to make room for things he will play with. But with this whole toy recall, and China situation, I don't know what to buy anymore. So I think we are going with bigger items; like a spring horse, an easel, and a few other things not made in China.
Need to get going on the day. Start Megan's school and do some housework.
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
Maria Robinson
Friday, December 7, 2007
Christmas time...again?
No my son is not a terror nor is he unruly, but he is a boy and he is curious, so who am I to stifle his curiosity? Within reason of course. He has taken a liking to the Christmas balls on the tree; the GLASS Christmas balls on the tree...Let's just say, there are fewer glass balls on the tree than when we first put the tree up...and we will leave it at that. He hasn't learned to differentiate between a ball you throw and one you DON'T throw...
Anyway, lists have been made, but shopping is yet to be done. I am hoping to get some done next week. But things have been crazy around here the last couple weeks; like that is anything new. So I haven't done any shopping, none, not the first gift or stocking stuffer, nor have I wanted to fight those crowds to try to do any shopping. I did buy a box of Christmas cards the other day, (where did I put those things?), I am sure that we can get them into the mail before Christmas, sometime. I am just not that into the commercialized part of this holiday. I have reached a point to where I would rather wait until after Christmas to have Christmas. Just do the celebration of the Birth of Christ; which is why we have Christmas, isn't it? Anyway, have a special celebration of Jesus' birth without all the merchandizing and commercializing of the holiday. Then after all the huppla was over in the malls and shopping centers, and WAL-MART, then I will go buy the things my kids want, but no one else in my household is buying this "new" tradition that I am pushing to start in our home. I believe that when my kids are grown, that is what I am going to do. Of course considering I am 41 and I have a 2 year old... I will probably be in a nursing home somewhere unable to even feed myself, much less get out and do some shopping!!! Oh, lighten up, it's a joke!!!!
We also have 5, count them; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 puppies left to sell. I wish I could down load photos right now, because they are the cutest bundles of fur you have ever seen. I just know that everyone of you would be calling to buy one, if you could only see them.
Today is Friday, I do have things I need to get done before I go back to work tomorrow. Laundry, dishes, beds to make, floors to scrub, toilets to clean...But I don't want rub it in anyones face that I am having all of this fun by myself...I am just not one to be showy and I don't like to I will try to downplay my excietment about all that I will be doing today.
I will end this crazy post now. I need to get moving with Tae Bo so I can get my shower and get the kids started. Today Clifford is coming to the library preschool story time, so I need to get on with things so we will be on time. For those of you who don't know who Clifford is, well, I feel sorry for you. Clifford the big red dog has been around since I was young. I loved him as a child and now Noah does also.
for different ways or truer answers.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Putting up the Christmas Tree
I have also asked the girls for their Christmas lists...I suppose I need to get started on the shopping thing. I have come up with a few ideas for Noah, and am looking into a few gifts that I will give to others. Noah doesn't play with toys as much as I would like for him to. You know some kids just don't play with toys like others. Lauren was one that didn't really play with her toys that much. She had loads of them, but her favorite things weren't toys. Megan on the other hand, loved toys, dolls, barbies, Polly pockets and all of that. She is still my one child that loves to play. Noah loves to play with things that he sees us using--pots and pans, wooden spoons, telephones, pencils and pens...and other items that he sees us using throughout the day. He will play with his little trucks some, and he loves to read his books. He likes to line things up in a line, like dining chairs or his trucks. So along with the many toy recalls over the last few months, I am having some trouble deciding what to get him. Toys from China are definately off the list, so what does that leave? I want to get him a small guitar, because he is always trying to get Andrew's and Megan's to play. I want to get him an organizer for his room so we can organize the toys he does play with. I would like get him some type of riding toy, because he loves bicycles. Everytime we go through the garage to get to the car, he runs for Megan's bicycle. Anyway, those are a few things I have in mind for Christmas. But nothing is finalized yet, and all things are up for reconsideration as the shopping days become fewer and fewer.
I am still suffering with a sore throat. Whatever it was that I had over the weekend is back. My throat is sore and I am very hoarse. I can hardly talk. I feel tired but no other symptoms other than that. Hopefully I will get over it in a day or two.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
American Girl Doll
Decision '08
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Home Again...jiggedy-jig...
Work was horrible on Friday. More mail than anyone can ever imagine. I didn't get home until around 6:00 or so. Saturday I went in earlier and got back to the post office around 3:30, but stayed until after 5:30 putting up things for the regular carrier on Monday. I have to work again on Tuesday and I know it will be bad again. It was cold both days I worked. It was damp yesterday and I woke up during the early morning with a sore throat and not feeling good. I feel like something is swollen in the back of my throat and when I swallow, it feel like a knife slitting my throat open. So I didn't go to church this morning. It is raining and 43 degrees right now, so I want to stay warm a cozy and nurse this sore throat so I won't get sicker.
Andrew's dad is staying in a rehab/nursing home facility in Tennessee and we got to visit with him some while there. He was able to come to Andrew's sisters house for Thanksgiving, but I could tell that he was worn down and not doing well. He is walking with the help of a walker, and seems weak to me. He has put on some weight, but I think it is due to the steriods they are giving him. He is getting ready to start a chemo pill soon and I have a feeling it will be very hard on him. I wish we could be closer to spend more time with him. I know when my grandma got down, I wanted to be near her and let the kids be with her as much as we could, which wasn't enough. Because when the end comes, it is to late then. If you are going to do something for someone, or want to build memories to carry with you, you must do it while you can. No matter how much you do for someone, or spend time with them, when they are gone, you always have regrets. I wanted Andrew to be able to spend time with him and talk to him while he is able to understand and communicate. I told him that he needs to talk to him and if there is anything that he wanted to ask or say, he needs to do it now. Sometimes people spend the rest of their lives with regrets because they didn't say or ask things they wanted to. I have lost several people in the last few years that were very dear to me, and you always regret something. So if you are blessed with time and know that time is short, use it wisely, for you shall never pass this way again...
Well hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving holiday. And we are all looking forward to Christmas season. I think we are going to try to put the tree up next weekend. We need to figure out where it is going to go. When we bought the tree;which I might add, is rather large: we lived in a larger house. But now, well, space is limited and we may need to downsize our tree. We will see when the time comes.
Well, I am trying to work on MPM and maybe will have it posted tomorrow. For now, I am going to leave you with this:::
Sydney J. Harris:
Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Thanks giving week
Today I am going to be thankful for this day and what God has blessed me with today. I won't think about yesterday and its failures or worry about tomorrow and what it may bring; but for today, I will live today to its fullest!
Anyway, for those of you who I have asked to pray for my father-in-law, I appreciate your prayers. For those who don't know, Andrew's dad had a stroke a few months back and while he was in the hospital recovering from the stroke, they discovered he had cancer. He has taken radiation and will be starting a chemo drug soon. He was recently in the hospital for a blood clot and just last week for pneumonia. He is now in a rehab/nursing home to build him back up before starting the chemo. Please pray for him. Even in the best case scenerio he was only given months... so it doesn't look good right now. Please pray that the Lord will strengthen him and keep his spirits up and keep him from suffering.
You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Happy Birthday to ME!!!
I had to work today, and I must say that the Christmas mail has begun! It was horrible! Catalogs and sale papers from everywhere, selling everything imaginable. I can't believe that anyone could possibly need so much mail! I was an hour and 45 minutes later leaving the Post Office than on normal days due to the high volume of mail. And the bad thing is it only gets worse before Christmas! To make matters worse, it now gets dark so much earlier and it is almost dark getting back to the Post Office. I could go into the long speech about the horrors of consumerism and how we are destroying our society with our insatiable appetite for so much. And how we work so hard to pay for all this stuff that we never have time to enjoy, and how we are slaves to our stuff...but I won't bore you with my soap box today, I will save the planet another day.
When I got home Andrew and the kids had me a wonderful meal of crab legs, shrimp and sausage with mushrooms all boiled in crab boil seasoning. And then some wonderfully, sinful chocolate cake and some sparkling grape cider. That we drank from champagne glasses and toasted to ME!! Even little man got into the action he drank from a glass champagne glass just like the rest of us, without breaking it!
Then they gave me some wonderful gifts of cologne; (Red Door, my old standard), money; which is always a great gift, and my 18 year old got me, well, some unmentionables; which I desperately needed. And they gave me great cards with lots of love enclosed! All in all, a great birthday! Even if I did have to work. But coming home to my loving family, was worth the long, hard day!
Well, my daughter; the 18 year old one, the one that is becoming an adult before my very eyes; opened her own checking account today! All by herself. She has been wanting to for a while and today she finally did. I have to say am very proud of the young woman she has become. I am proud to say that I am her mom. Even though, I still have to stay on her about her room! Which right now it is a big mess.
Well, time for bed. I have photo's I want to post, but we are having computer issues and I can't get them to download right now. I am trying to correct the problem and will post photo's ASAP.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Menu Plan Monday

Well my menu plan Monday isn't going as well as I had hoped. I still don't have the week figured out. Not because of a lack of ideas, just a little laziness on my part and sick kiddo's on top of it. So here's what I have so far.
Sunday: Tuscana soup and garlic bread
Monday: Sub sandwiches with left over Tuscana soup and I made the most wonderful (if I do say so myself) Apple crisp. The recipe will be at the end of this post.
Tuesday: Braised cajun chicken breast with
cheese and spinach tortellini and a veggie
Wednesday: Smoked Tuna quesadilla's with tortilla chips and salsa dip
Thursday: I have to work and it is also MY BIRTHDAY! So I am
Friday: Red Beans and Rice with sausage and cornbread
Saturday: Something in the slow cooker with left overs on Sunday.
Deidre's Apple Crisp
4 cups apple slices, peeled
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup oats, rolled (raw)
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup butter (one stick melted)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup caramel sauce
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
Peel and slice apples into small chunks and place in glass baking dish
Cover the slices with the lemon juice.
Mix dry ingredients together except for walnuts
and pour over apple chunks.
Melt butter and add vanilla and pour evenly over the dry ingredients.
Top with chopped walnuts
Bake at 375 degrees for 35-40 minutes
Drizzle caramel topping over top and eat warm.
I must have really been craving something that was in this, because I thought it was delicious! Even my picky eaters thought it tasted good. This is definately a keeper for us. I had some apples that needed to be eaten and I was craving something like granola or nutty/crunchy/gooey so I just redid an old recipe for Apple Crisp. Try it and let me know how it turns out for you.
If you want any more ideas for Menu Plan Monday click on the MPM photo at the top of the post and view what lots of others are doing this week.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sickie Sunday
Saturday was a work day and it was a free for all. I fixed Chicken Ceaser Salad and Andrew and I at it. It tasted really good. I use to love italian dressing on my salad, but ceaser has become my new favorite.
I have to work Thursday and Sat this week. And the day after Thanksgiving and Sat next week. Then the following week I work Tuesday and Saturday. I also have three dr's appointments in the middle of it all.
Gotta run for now. I will post again later today.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Everyday Food
I realize that I don't get out much and since I no longer watch television, my sources of information are limited and some would say that I am sheltered; but... did you know that you can line open ice cream containers with plastic wrap before putting the lid back on and it will prevent freezer burn?
Well, I didn't know this. I learned about it in one of these magazines. Another thing I didn't know was that people actually kept ice cream in their freezer long enough to get freezer burn. For some reason we never have that trouble in our house. We never keep ice cream that long...hum...but if we ever do have that problem, I now know how to solve it!!
So, check out the web site, and next time you are in line at Wal-Mart, pick up one. I am sure that like me you will be pleasantly surprised by them. I am just hoping to run across another stack for 25 cents a piece, instead of the $2.95 they usually cost. Or you could just go to the web site and check out what is online. Either way, happy cooking!
47 Shopping days before Christmas! really isn't that bad, but I am a last minute kind of girl. I use to go shopping the day after Thanksgiving, but I just never got into the thrill of getting up at 2:00 am and standing in line for 4 hours with 300 other people all trying to get the ONE Game Boy the store advertised for $5.00 in order to get people into the store. I would rather pay twice what something is worth than to go through all of that!
The last time I shopped the day after Thanksgiving for Christmas was in 2004, when we lived on Padre Island. Lauren and I got up before daylight and hit the stores. I ended up buying things we really didn't need. I spent more money than I normally would have spent, and still didn't get much Christmas shopping done. So I swore off those crazy shopping days when everyone is out looking for a bargain. Except for Christmas Eve, and I'm not out looking for bargains, I am just out trying to get the necessary items that I have put off getting up until then. I have to have a little excitement in my life!
Besides, this year, I have to work the day after Thanksgiving. So while all you bargain hunters are out there stalking some great sale, I will be putting more sale papers and catalog's that promise great savings, into your mailboxes to tease you with the allure of something great!
Happy Shopping---47 Shopping days left until Christmas! But don't let that stress you, there is always the day after Christmas Sale!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Megan has been after me for several days to make some boiled cookies, so tonight I gave in and made them. I don't like to make them because when I do, I eat to many!!! Tonight I had three. I am going to forget that they are here and NOT HAVE ANYMORE! What are boiled cookies, you ask? Well, only the best of chocolate and peanut butter mixed together...yummmmmy!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Menu Plan Monday

(Megan has been wanting me to fix "little pizza's" I haven't done them in a long time so we decided to do finger foods today.)
Monday : Biscuit pizza's, bar-b-que meatballs and some form of veggie
Tuesday: Tuscana Soup and garlic bread
Wed: Hot dogs and oven fries
Thurs: Homemade sub sandwiches and chips
Friday: TBD
Sat: I work so it is hubby's job to fix: probably take out of some kind
Sun: something in the slow cooker
Well, I know it isn't all planned out, but I do have a start. This isn't how I usually cook, but in the past few months, I have been in a cooking slump. I use to be the Mom that cooked a four course meal, sometimes twice a day.(when hubby use to come home for lunch) But, since I was pregnant with Noah and had him, my cooking has gotten less and less elaborate and unfortunately less healthy in favor of something quick. I hope to find the "joy of cooking" again start cooking more healthful and creative meals. But for now, at least no ones complaining and there is always something to eat.
Follow the Menu Plan Monday graphic at the top to find a link to Organizing Junkie and see what tons of others are doing this week in the kitchen.
Quote of the Day
Saturday, November 3, 2007
A Wedding
I talked to one of my oldest and dearest friends on the phone this evening. Well she isn't old, but I have known her since she was born. Our families have been neighbors for several generations and have been like family to us. Her mom babysat for me some when I was young and I babysat for her and her sister when they were little. When I started back to college in 1996, I think, she had just graduated from high school and we went to college together. We have been close ever since. Anyway, she is very special to me. She is getting married!! She asked me to be her matron of honor! I am so excited. I feel young again. I was in several weddings when I was younger, but it has been years since I was asked to be in a wedding!!! The wedding is next October, and we are looking for dresses. She has decided on the colors, and she is letting each of the attendents decide on the style that she will wear, as long as it is formal, that is. So I am looking for a dress. I found one that I love online, if I can find one in the colors that she is using, and it is not to expensive I would like to get it. Or one near that style anyway. I will try to attach the photo below. Anyway, we have just started the hunt, so hopefully we will find what we want.

Isn't it beautiful. You can see it and others at And no we aren't Morman's. We just liked this site because they offer more modest style choices.
Hubby went to the store and bought shrimp and crab legs. We cooked them with some sausage in crab boil and Tony's seasoning. We ate and ate until we could stuff ourselves no more. We both love seafood. When we lived in Corpus Christi, we would eat crab legs often, and never got tired of them. We don't eat them much here due to the cost. But tonight we both agreed that we like to move to the coast and live off of crab legs, shrimp, lobster, fish, oysters, and other seafood. Throw in a little salad, some sushi for hubby and some occasional chocolate, and it would be heaven!! What more could you ask for to eat? So now I am stuffed from supper and declaring that I am going to lose 40 before next October. I will be slim for Daphne's wedding!!! Now to plan how I aim to accomplish this feat. Think, Think, Think...(as Pooh would say)...
Well that is about all for tonight. I finally got Little Man down for the night. And I am hoping to get a little reading in before falling asleep. I am currently reading, A Year By The Sea, by Joan Anderson. I have read it before, but felt the need to do so again. I also have A Walk on the Beach and An Unfinished Marriage, by her, waiting to be reread. I enjoyed them the first time around about two years ago. It must be something about fall...Anyway, check them out from your local library and enjoy a little retreat of your own.
I will leave you with this thought:
God gives us our relatives - thank God we can choose our friends. - Ethel Watts Mumford
Some of you may get a chuckle out of this one! And if you don't---lighten up a little bit!!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Friday Felicities
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Thursday's news
When Andrew gets off we are taking Megan and Noah to The Purple Cow to eat supper then maybe a trip to Barnes and Noble bookstore. Just a little outing in an otherwise boring weekday.
I start back to work on Saturday. I'm not liking it very much, but thank God for the job! Thats all I have to say about that !
I am getting ready to get another perm in my hair. I haven't had one in almost two years. I did get a root perm for just the top portion of my hair earlier this year, but it is gone! My hair really does hold a perm well, except for the top, because it is so long and the weight of it pulls it out. I miss just washing, gel-ling and going. I like the bohemian look. Lauren calls me a hippie, because of the way I wear my hair long and down. And I suppose there is some hippie still in there somewhere, but usually when women get to a certain age; I won't mention what age that is; surely older than I am...they usually start wearing their hair up if it is long. I do wear it up, to church and other places, mostly since I had Noah, because it is easier when pulling and tugging on a little one not to have hair hanging down in the middle of it all, however, I want to get a perm so I can start wearing it down again. So, I usually go back to Louisiana to a lady that I trust there to do it. Did I mention that I don't let just anyone perm my hair? Anyway, there are three women in this world that I would trust with my hair and two are in Louisiana; one in DeQuincy and the other in Walker, near Baton Rouge. The third is in Kentucky. Why you ask do I not trust many with my perming? Well I don't cut my hair. I don't even trim the hair, so you can see where perming could be harsh on your ends. And that is where these special people come in. They know just how to work magic to make sure the ends don't burn or split. I get a perm about once every year, year and a half. I have gone almost two this time with the interjection of a root perm. And I am very careful not to do anything that would damage my hair. I air dry, most of the time, condition, condition, condition... Anyway, I got a recommendation for a lady here in Arkansas and I have been trying to get a hold of her today, but no luck. Hopefully I can get it done before Thanksgiving. This will save me a trip to Louisiana that I can't make right now. So hopefully this lady will work out.
Well, hubby called and he is actually off early and on his way home!!!YEA!!!! So I need to get off and get ready for our family night out.
Just an update. The nose is doing well. I bumped it the other day, trying to kill a misquito on Noah; don't ask; anyway, it hurt for a little while and I fretted for a while worried that I had damaged something, but it appears to look the same and works as well. So I suppose it is okay. I still plan to post photo's when Lauren returns. I should have had her take them with my camera instead of hers.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Still here
My parents have been staying with us for the last two weeks while I went through the surgery and recovery. They are leaving today to go home. I hate to see them leave. I also go back to work on Saturday; uugghhh! I really don't like working on Saturday. It takes away any family day that we have to do anything together. Sunday's are full and Andrew works long hours during the week, so with me working Saturday, we have no time at all to go or do anything, and it really starts to wear on you.
I don't have much to post right at the moment so I will leave you with something I found on it really ministered to me. It is truly where I am at today and have been for some time. Hope it blesses someone else like it did me. Thanks Lori for the reminder that God is always there and He hears our prayers, even though His answer may not come when and how we think it should.
Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried;
Author Unknown
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Back from the abyss
The surgery went well, according to the dr. I was out and don't know how well it went. But I do remember little snippets of things after the surgery. They shot me up with demerol afterward and I couldn't pull myself out of it for most of the rest of the day. I slept in the recliner all that evening and the following two nights.
Yesterday I got up and actually rode to the store with my daughter and sat in the car while she went in. I didn't take any pain meds yesterday at all, not even tylenol. Today I got up and started doing little things around the house, nothing major. I am still unable to lift anything over ten pounds and can't do anything that could injur my nose.
Noah has done so well with all of this. He hasn't cried for me much and when he would wake up and cry for me, they would tell him that I have a boo boo and can't get him. Then he would ask for his sister or mawmaw. So he seems to understand. He will come close to me and we will give "easy sugar" and he will carefully and lightly kiss my cheek. I am so glad that he has done so well. I will have to be very careful for some time that he doesn't bop me in the nose or throw something my direction that may hit me in the nose.
I will take after photo's tomorrow and post the before, during and after. It really wasn't that bad during. I didn't bruise and swell nearly as bad as I thought I would. So the photo's aren't so gruesome.
The weather is wet, rainy, and cold! Just as I feared; straight into winter weather without so much as a layover in fall.
Well, there isn't much going on around the home front. My parents are here and helping with the little ones. The puppies are growing and getting everywhere. Another week or so and they will be finding new homes, I hope. I am hoping to have the house routines back to "simi-normal" conditions in a few days.
I will be working on the new addition to my blog where I spot light someone who has been special in my life. I am working on the who's, what's, why's, and how's of it. So keep checking back.
I would really like more feed back from those of you who read my blog. I know I get emails from some of you and you tell me you are reading my blog, but I would really like to get more comments on the blog from each of you. So if you would, please leave a note to let me know you where here visiting.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Menu Planning...

Give away
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Philip Gulley, a wonderful writer that I enjoy reading, and I highly recommend, has a segment on WFYI, Indiana's PBS station called "Porch Talk". One of these segments was called Contentment. I highly recommend you follow the link and listen. We could all stand to be a little more like the lady he is refering to in this piece. If you are truly caught up in consumerism, then take a break from it for a week. Don't buy anything, except what is absolutely necessary for your survival that week. If you succeed that week, try another one. Soon you will realize that more things won't bring the happiness or contentment you are seeking. Things will just add to the clutter of you life and the stress of your debt load. Lets all just try living with less and on less and maybe just maybe we will find more, more contentment, more joy, more true happiness, and more time to do the things we truly enjoy in life. Maybe the saying is true, "Less IS more".
Friday, October 12, 2007
Arkansas State Fair Time
A week from today, my surgery will be over and nothing left but the crying. Hopefully the pain won't be to bad. I figured that I carried and delivered three children, surely I can deal with this. It isn't like they are pulling a watermelon through my nose or anything. We shall see...I will post before, during, and after photos for those of you who can handle it.
Fall, maybe here... This is the Arkansas State Fair time. I am not sure when we will try to go. But I do want to go at least to see the exhibits. I want to see the livestock; especially the goats; and I enjoy the arts and crafts. Tuesday Megan, Noah and I went to the farmers market and we met a lady there with goat milk soap. I bought the lemongrass and honey soap. I love the smell of it! Anyway, she is going to be at the fair with demonstrations of her soap making. So I would like to see that. She invited us out to see her at her home and she would show us how to make it. I just might take her up on that. I have wanted to make goat milk soap for so long. Anyway, she is at if you want to stop in and buy some soap. Her name is Kelli, tell her that Deidre' sent you. And if you are interested in the Arkansas State Fair follow this link.
I have been thinking about people that are very special to me and have made a lasting impression in my life. I was thinking of doing something to honor them. So starting in a couple of weeks, I am going to take a few moments to pay honor to one each week. So stay tuned for future developments in this new endeavor.
Thought for Today
Monday, October 8, 2007
What's cooking?
Well, while I am thinking about that I will leave you with this this: