Today we got a few seeds planted in a seed starter kit. I am hoping we can get my raised beds built this weekend so that we can start preparing for our spring garden. I am planning on planting plenty of tomatoes. I plan to can plenty because I use a lot of tomatoes in my cooking. I also plan to plant a few peppers, squash, eggplant, lettuce, some herbs, beans, and a few other odds and ends.
I found this awesome magazine put out by Birds & Blooms. It has some wonderful ideas for small gardens, container gardening and raised beds. It has several designs for planting in raised beds. We have decided on a couple that we like. I have picked the sunniest location in the backyard to put the garden.

Tomorrow Andrew is finishing the privacy fence across the back of the property and moving the existing fence forward. We are dividing the backyard so we will have an area to put the dogs when we have company over or just want to get outside without having the doggies climbing all around us. They will also get a little peace from Noah when he is outside. He likes to chase them and try to pack the little ones around. Once we do that then I am hoping there will be time to build the beds. If not, maybe next weekend.
We still haven't heard whether or not the company Andrew works for got the other job here. It was suppose to be awarded this month, but so far, nothing. If they don't get it, then we will be here through September or October at least. If they do, then we will be here at least another year an a half beyond that. It is all in God's hands, so might as well not stress over it.
I cooked a large pot of Lentil Soup for supper. I got up early this morning and started it. I took about half of it to freeze for a quick meal on another day. That only leaves me to cook the cornbread in a bit. Just an easy Friday evening and hopefully a productive but fun day tomorrow.
I need to find some replacement grills to go in my BBQ grill. Last year Andrew tried to clean them and the coating started peeling off, so I really don't want to put food onto them with pieces of coating getting into the food. Lowe's didn't have the right size so I suppose I need to try someplace else for them. But I need to get it ready for summer outdoor grilling.
Well, just another post about day to day activities around the little homestead. Nothing to interesting just recording the events of our lives.
Well someone on a four wheeler in the neighborhood behind us is really ruining the enjoyment of being outdoors. I despise those things. They really have such a loud, annoying sound to them. It really messes up the peace and quiet of the afternoon. They are just riding back and forth, revving it up and making the worst racket.
Well, time to go inside and heat up the lentil soup I made earlier and make the cornbread. I will leave you with these quotes...
Today's Thoughts
One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure
~William Feather~
A better life will come your way the second you get up and start walking toward it.
~Jason Garcia~
Life at its essence boils down to one day at a time. Today is the day!
~Jim Stovall~
Living involves tearing up one rough draft after another.
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