Looks like another beautiful day in the Sandhills. It is suppose to be great weather for the rest of the week. I am so excited...
Not to much going on as of late. Andrew flew to Montgomery Sunday for a meeting on Monday. He flew back home yesterday. He decided not to go into work after he got home, so he spent the afternoon at home.
One thing he did find out on his trip is that they didn't get that other job here, so that means come fall we will be moving on to a new destination. Only God knows where, and He ain't talking, so I suppose we will have to wait and see. I am putting that in His hands and not worrying about it. He knows what is best and has placed us where we needed to be in the past. So I know that this is His plan and our steps are ordered by Him. So enough said about that...
Last week the kids and I went to the Cape Fear River Trail and walked it. It was four miles from one trail head to the end. Noah even walked the entire length all except for maybe a quarter mile of it at the end. He rode on Lauren's back for that part because his legs were getting tired. Next time we go I will take his running stroller and let him walk some and ride some. I can't wait until Andrew and I can take the bikes out there and ride it. It was very nice and had a nice view of the river at some points. There were several bridges and one covered bridge with a waterfall. The entire thing is paved and there are benches at points along the way.
On Saturday I decided to do my first walk/run to get started toward my goal of running a 5K. I mapped out a 2 mile track in my neighborhood using this neat website. MapMyRun.com
So I set out and walked for a bit then I took turns walking and running. I walked most of the time, but I did run. Then Monday I went to Curves early in the morning and planned to do another walk/run, but it started to rain. So I used the workout equipment in the garage for about an hour and got a great evening workout.
Yesterday Megan and I went to Curves and when I got home, I just felt so energized that I decided to do walk/run. So I started out walking again and added more running to the workout. I ended up running quite a bit compared to Saturday's workout. I felt awesome when I got home. I was tired and felt like I had really pushed myself. After I showered I really full of energy and glad I had decided to push myself more.
I am trying to get in a good workout everyday along with strength training at least three days a week. I am on an eight week training program that I hope will yield some great results. I have reached a weight loss plateau for the last three months. I just can't break through it. So I needed a radical exercise bump to get beyond the wall and lose more weight so I can reach my goal.
I want to push myself to see just how far I can get my body to go. I have never really put 100% of myself into weight loss/fitness. I gave some good pushes and would always reach a point and stop. But this time I want to go all the way with it. I will be 44 years old this year and I plan to be in the best shape of my life to celebrate my birthday in November. I am tired of just dreaming about doing it, this time I am going to do it.
It may seem as though I am a little one-track minded right now, and I have to admit that this fitness thing has consumed a large part of my life. The other parts are consumed by my family and family responsibilities. But it isn't going to be forever. Once I reach my goal, I won't have to put out as much time and energy toward maintaining as I have had to to reach the goal. I want to incorporate fitness into our family life and fun.
Since we haven't gotten my garden beds built yet, Andrew and I are planning to get out tomorrow and Friday afternoons and work on those. I am anxious to get the garden ready and planted. Since I know we aren't going to be here beyond this job, and we won't be moving until fall, I can move forward with my gardening plans. We are going to build two 3'x6' raised beds. With proper planning that should give us a great yield for our time and effort. I can almost taste a fresh, ripe tomato right off the vine, still warm from the sun. MMM...yummy!
It is almost 9:00 and the kids and I have decided to get up and go back to the Cape Fear River Trail again today. So I will leave you with these quotes.
Today's Quotes
The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible
~Arthur C. Clarke~
You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind
First say to yourself what you should be; and then do what you have to do
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