The kids and I went to church on Sunday morning and they weren't having service Sunday night, so we just came home and relaxed for the evening. Except for a while that Andrew and I got in the garage and went through some more boxes and divided it up: Trash, garage sale, re box and keep. We actually got a lot accomplished. I discovered that even though I had given tons of stuff to Goodwill before we left Little Rock, I still have enough stuff to have a yard sale soon.
Monday was a lazy type of day, except I was edgy and wanted to get out and do something different for a change. Since we've moved and gotten settled in here we haven't done anything fun! I am not one that likes to travel on holidays when the roads are full of crazies and the attractions are over crowded. So going somewhere yesterday wasn't my idea of fun, besides it rained off and on most of the day.
Megan's birthday is coming up soon and we are planning a little trip during that time. Also Lauren is coming for a visit soon and we are going to take our family vacation while she is here. So there will be plenty of time to go do something fun at those times. But I was still when I am like that, I usually end up fretting the day away, accomplishing very little. I did catch up on laundry, the usual Monday chore...
I also spent time reading. I finished reading a book called Home Grown Stories and Home Fried Lies by Mitch Jayne. If any of you happen to be Andy Griffith fans and watched The Andy Griffith show through the years, Mitch Jayne was one of the Darlin's. They were actually the Dillard's, a Bluegrass band that hit it pretty big. The Dillard's played The Darlin's on the Andy Griffith show.
Anyway, the book was a compilation of stories about Ozark people and Ozark language that he called "the mother tongue." It was a very humorous book that reflected the Ozark lifestyle and reminded me of people I have known. Many of the stories and the way of speaking was not just confined to the Ozarks, but was representative of many areas I have known.
I was looking for something to read the other evening and begin going through my library upstairs and ran across the book. Andrew had gotten it somewhere a few years ago and neither on of us had read it. It ended up being the perfect read for the Memorial Day weekend.
Well, rain and more rain for this week, so there won't be much going on around here that requires being outside. I am going to run to the store after while to pick up a couple of staple items that we are out of, and maybe run to the library to find something else to read.
Right now I am going through some travel books on North Carolina, getting familiar with the state and fun, interesting things to do. I am also reading about the Outer Banks, planning another trip out there. When we lived in Kentucky, we took vacation and went to the Outer Banks. I love lighthouses, I collect them, and I wanted to go see the Lighthouses of the Outer Banks. We were able to visit Bodie Island Light, Currituck Beach Light, and Cape Hatteras Light. Megan and I actually went to the top of Currituck. And I am deathly afraid of heights. Going up was ok, but when I got to the top and realized I had to go back down...I panicked! Megan was five and she and I gripped each others hands with a death grip. Every landing we would step to the side and wipe our sweaty hands and catch our breath and go down another flight of stairs.
If you haven't seen the inside of most lighthouses, the stairs are spiral. The worst problem is that you can look down and see all the way to the bottom. That was the scary part!! But we made it!! I would never try it with Noah! Megan was easy, but Noah would be all over the place with no fear....I would have a heart attack or end up falling down trying to catch him. So no climbing a lighthouse with Noah. He will have to wait until he is quite a bit older.
Next trip, I plan to see Ocracoke Island Light, Oak Island Light, and Bald Head. Those are in the souther part of the North Carolina coast and Ocracoke is on the southern part of the Outer Banks.
These are a few of the lighthouses I have collected through the years. I have downscaled my collection to only the smaller ones. There is also a Brown Pelican in there. Andrew bought that for me when we lived in Kentucky. The Brown Pelican is the Louisina State Bird. And of course, I am from Louisiana...
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