Wow! It has been almost a week since I blogged. I don't know why, but I just haven't had it in me to sit down at the computer and blog. I have been doing a few other things, reading mostly. Trying to get that stack of books dwindled down.
I have also been working on my space in the bonus room. Andrew put me up a couple of shelves and I brought in my sewing table so I am using the space as more of a functional area. I have my desk to sit and read, play on the computer, blog, write, or just look out the window. And I have an area to sew, craft and whatever. It is a small space but it gives me something I haven't had in a long time; a space to call my own.
I can actually organize my crafting things and my sewing things, so when the urge hits, I don't have to go out in the garage digging for this and that. It is all right here at my finger tips.
I am still unpacking my craft and sewing things and trying to organize them, but so far, I am liking what I am seeing.
I also bought some of those magazine organizers. You know the little plastic upright things like you see at the library that houses older editions of their magazines. Anyway, I bought six of them, but I grossly under estimated how many magazines I had...I will have to go back next week and get that many more and then some.
I keep subscriptions of certain magazines; Coastal Living (when we lived on the coast, and because I wish we still did, only not South Texas coast), Country Living (because that is the best place to live), Cottage Living (because I love cottage style), Cooking Light ( I have stacks of those, because I love all things food related, and God knows I need it light), Sunset (for the beautiful photos and I love the pacific northwest), Mother Earth News ( because it is the authority on homesteading), Victoria (back before they went out of business and now they've come back again), Everyday Food (again its about food, and has some great tips and photos), Southern Living (because it is all things Southern), Hobby Farm, and Hobby Farm Home (they are the best), Writer's Digest (because it is every wannabe writers bible), Real Simple (who doesn't want to simplify).
There may be more I have forgotten about, and haven't unpacked yet. These have mostly been stored for some time now. These are only part of what I had, when we moved from Arkansas, I threw away several boxes of magazines just to appease Andrew. He has gripped for years about moving those boxes of magazines around everywhere. So I lighten the load somewhat. But these I have now, I won't budge on them. In fact, this week I have been going through and rereading my Cottage Living and Country Living, looking for decorating ideas. These I plan to keep.
I did get good news this week. I got a good report from the doctor's office. I am so very thankful for that. God answers prayer!
In other news, Sunday is Mothers Day. I am thankful that I still have my mother with me. Even though she is 900+ miles away. We talk on the phone daily, sometimes more than once. I am also very thankful to be a mother. My children have brought so much joy into my life. I can't imagine what my life would have been without them. I thank God for them everyday! I do miss Lauren so very much. I talk to her daily, multiple times a day, but it isn't the same as her being here. I miss seeing her. She wrote a very nice blog about me on her photo blog site.
I feel like there is so much that I didn't give to her, so much yet to teach her and show her. They grow up to fast. Before you know it they are grown and on their own. I just hope I taught her the important things. I hope that although I never taught her how to roast a turkey or how to make Maw maw's homemade dumplings, I hope that she knows that I love her. I hope that I gave her truth and showed her how a Godly woman was suppose to live. I know I failed in many ways. The first born is always the guinea pig, they are the one we have to practice on. By the time the second and third one comes along, you have learned from the earlier mistakes. Hopefully you have worked the kinks out and gotten your life on a straighter path. But the first born has to go through the rough times, the lean times, and learns at an early age that Mom and Dad don't know everything, that sometimes they are just winging it and hoping for the best.
I know that Lauren has gotten me through so many times, if it hadn't been for her, I don't know what I would have done. She gave me a reason to keep going, to keep trying. Having her when I did, gave me a drive to get back up when I fell and not give up when things didn't work out the way I had hoped. She was my "angel girl", still is...I am very proud of her. She has become a beautiful young lady, and I know that she will succeed at whatever she puts her mind to do...
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