I am the type of person that can't just read one book at a time. I usually have several going at once. Usually they are totally different books. These are the ones I am involved with at the moment.

Because I love to read about writing. My dream has always been to become a published writer. I started writing very young. I remember in seventh grade writing my "first book". I have always written poems, and have had a poem published in high school. About ten years ago I had an article I wrote published. It was a small publication, and unpaid...but I was in print. While in college, a professor of mine wanted me to submit several of my writings for publication. But I got sidetracked trying to graduate and didn't ever submit them. While in college I also wrote a children's book and sent it to several children's publishers, but got several rejection letters. One letter actually said that it wasn't the writing, but they just didn't feel that it was what they were looking for at the time. I have considered taking it out and dusting it off, doing some editing and re-submitting it to some other publishers...but sometimes life takes priority.
I have neglected my writing for years, while busy doing other things, mostly raising a family. But lately I have considered trying to revive my creative side. I now have a desk and work space that is all my own, so there is really no excuse anymore.
This is my space in our bonus room. The window looks out onto the front yard and the cul de sac where we live. I haven't done anything here but put the desk and chair. I need to get better window treatments and put up some art work. I need something that will inspire me...

This book I am reading because I am always interested in food and what's good to eat. I read Michael Pollan's other book;
In Defense of Food. Today while in the library I found this one on the shelf and decided to read it now.

Oh, Ina Garten, what can I say about Ina? I love her. She is my favorite celeb cook. She seems like the kind of lady that I would enjoy just sitting down at her table and talking and eating like old friends. She is my kind of cook. Besides, I love her house. This back to basics book is great. I just love cookbooks. I collect them. But I have to have a cookbook that has photo's in it. If there are no photo's, I don't want it. Hers are filled with beautiful photo's.

This one I bought some time back at Goodwill for like 50 cents or so. When I got my bookshelves up, and started putting my books out so I could actually see what I had, I found it again. So since I am trying to revive my writing side, I thought it would help inspire me to jump back into the writing mindset.
Here are my shelves. They are just rough, nothing fancy, just a place to put my books. Even this isn't enough room. So I have to decide where to put more shelves for more books.
Now I have visions of getting up early in the morning, going out onto my front porch and spending a little time curled up on the settee reading. It is still a little cool here in the mornings and the neighborhood is quiet, just perfect for reading and enjoying the sounds of birds chirping. The only problem with that is, I can't seem to beat Noah up every morning. He is an early riser. At three, he usually doesn't get to sleep until 9:00 or a little after, but he is up and at 'em by 6:00 or 6:15 every morning. This morning he did sleep until 7:30! Which is really sleeping in for him. I wish he were a little more like his sisters in the fact that they like to sleep late. He however, takes after Andrew. They are both morning people. Sunday morning Andrew was up before 6:00, not because he had to be, but he just couldn't sleep anymore!
Speaking of which, this is his area. Of course, ignore the chair looking thing with the blanket folded on it. I actually have his chair in my area. So until I get another one, he is using that thing to sit on. As you can see, we still haven't gotten everything unpacked and in order, but it is functional enough until we pull it all together. The other part of the room has a futon for sitting and for a guest sleeping area. I plan to get a sleeper sofa to replace the futon, but for now, it will have to do. I am getting a living room set first! Basically the area's of the house that people will see when they come to visit are being taken care of first, then we will move to our area's for fixin' up.
1 comment:
I love Ina Garten too. Just like you, I love her house as much as her recipes. Sooo much class.
I still enjoy reading your posts, and all of the pictures. Keep it up. Love ya, Kim
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