Saturday, March 7, 2009

Eureka! Maybe!

We may have found a house...say a prayer! We turned in the paperwork today and will know something on Monday. The owner wants to sell, but is considering the lease. Unless something unforseen happens we should get the house. It is in a subdivision out of town in the 'burbs.

So we wait with baited breath to see if we spend the next two years or so in this house...

While we wait, tomorrow we are taking a relaxing trip to the beach! Yes, the beach in March. It is suppose to be 78* tomorrow!!:-} Yea!! Atlantic Ocean you are my friend! Last summer I went to the Pacific, but the Atlantic is still my favorite.

I will post photo's from our day trip to the beach and maybe Monday if we get the good news, I will post a photo of the new place.

Andrew has to fly to Montgomery to get his truck, so we will be here the first of the week just chillin' and checking out our new town...( plaza's and flea markets...)

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