We celebrated Pi day last Friday, 3.14...
We had big plans for the day and would you believe, I got called to go to work that day. So we had to rush around on Thursday preparing for Friday. Megan was so upset, she didn't want to do the Pi day celebration if I had to work. But we agreed to do it when I got home Friday evening. So Thursday, she and I made three pies; chocolate(of course), lemon, and we made a square cheesecake "pie". Because you know Pi r square! LOL! We also made tee-shirts for the day. Megan made a design on the computer and we printed them onto transfer paper and ironed them onto the shirts. I wore mine to work Friday.
So Friday, I picked up pizza pie for supper and when I got home we talked about pi and completed a chart by measuring the circumference and diameter of different size circles and then adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing them, we filled in the chart with the answers.
We made a pi necklace. We ate pizza and pie and we just had a great time. Although we were all tired from the day. Work was rough and I had not gotten much sleep the night before, thanks to Noah and a storm. Anyway, in all the rush and tiredness, I forgot to take photo's and we forgot to read the book, Sir Circumference and the Dragon of Pi. So we had to do that later.
Megan was also tired by that time, she and my mom had gotten up early and had a yard sale that day. Megan is quite the salesgirl. She made over $70.00 just with the things she sold. She was very proud. She loves having yard sales and making money! She wanted to do it again on Sat, but Andrew and Lauren had to go to Tennessee for Andrew to meet with his brother and sister to get the final things from his dad's house before they sell it. So there was no one to see to Noah while they carried on the yard sale, seeing as though I ALWAYS have to work Saturday's! That is one thing I hate about my job. I MISS OUR SATURDAY'S!!!! I WANT THEM BACK!!!!! We use to do neat things on Saturday's. Even if it was nothing by go to the book store and all get a book to read, and go out to eat. It was just a day to spend together as a family. We even use to go away for the weekends! There's a lost concept in our household now!! I remember many times just getting away to a different place on the weekends, getting a hotel and going out to explore the area. Wow! I need a vacation. I have been in Arkansas to long! Time to move on...even if just for a week or so. I want to go out west. We always go east. This year I want to go west. I have only been as far as New Mexico. That was years ago on a skiing trip. But I want to go to Washington State, The Oregon Coast, Colorado and back to New Mexico. Well, we shall see. I know we can't do it all; with time constraints and all that, but I would love to fly to Seattle and drive down the Oregon Coast, go to Portland and just enjoy!
Oh well, back to my reality now. I need to end this post. I have to go get a battery for my mom's car, it wouldn't start the other day. The battery has been on the car since she got it, so I would say it needs a new one. Then we are going to go visit our dear Aunt this evening. In the meantime, I have to help Megan pack her things, my parents are leaving tomorrow and Megan is going to go with them to stay two or three weeks. I will then go down and get her and get a perm while I am there. I decided to wait until I can go back to the lady that always does it. I posted about this here. That was back in November and I am just now getting around to do it. Oh well, at least it will be fresh when the hot weather hits. I usually have a harder time in the summer doing my hair. The humidity and all!
On the Simple Living homefront; we are still trying to decide what to do about our housing. We are renting in town right now and our lease will be up in May. Then we can sign from month to month or move on. We really want our own place again. But are unsure what to do about it. The reason we moved back to town was due to the fact we did everything here in the city. We had three cars going back and forth nearly everyday and sometimes twice. It was 25+ miles out of town and the gas was eating us alive!!! Now the gas prices are even higher!
So we don't know what to do. We are praying for direction and guidance from God. He has a plan for our lives, and He has brought us on a journey. The events of the last three years or so, have all been for a reason. We are coming full circle. And I have changed so much in that time. I see the work and the hand of God directing me, but I am still unsure of where it is all going. I know there is discontentment for the place we are in... I feel a restlessness again in my spirit. I see the ideal out there...but haven't found the bridge to cross over yet. I am still looking...
Speaking of bridges and trips...I love covered bridges. So several years ago, when we were living in Kentucky, Andrew and I took a trip to Cincinnati, and on the way we drove along the northern part of Kentucky and visited several old covered bridges along the way. We had a wonderful trip! I had a great old 35mm camera and took lots of photo's. I thought I would share a few with you today.

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