Friday, January 4, 2008

Quiet winter day

Today had been a quiet one. Andrew and Lauren are both working, and Megan is gone on a youth retreat with the church youth group. So just Noah and I here all day. I haven't done much; a little laundry, swept the floors and made beds. Very little else. Just haven't had it in me. I have to work tomorrow--UGGHH! Anyway, so I am taking it easy today.

I started a project. Since I got a new camera for Christmas, I decided to take a photo a day of each of the kids and then at the end of the year, I am going to put them into a book for each of them, entitled Noah 2008, Megan 2008 and Lauren 2008. So far I have a photo a day of each of them but now that Megan is gone on the retreat, I will miss a couple of days of her. And somehow Lauren managed to get by without a photo on the 1st. Here is the one of Noah last night after he and I had driven the two hours there and back, taking Megan to the retreat, because we didn't make the bus, (long story).

I guess he was as tired as I was.

This is the one of Lauren from today, as she was leaving for her second job.

Well, I suppose I should get supper started. I think I am going to saute some shrimp and toss onto a caesar salad. Sounds good and quick!

Thought for Today

Every artist was first an amateur.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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