Is it Monay, Again? Wow! The weeks seem to be flying by. I can't believe we are almost half way through the month of January! Seems impossible and I still have Christmas decorations on my mantle. I know I need to put it away, but I haven't been moved to do it yet. Maybe today, I will get hubby to bring in the totes that I keep them in and put it all away for another 11 months! I put everything else away the day or two after Christmas, but I just could bring myself to take everything off the mantle. I guess I just never got into Christmas this year and the mantle was an after thought, so I don't know what to put up there once I take down the Christmas decorations. I did have photo's crammed on it, but I need to chang
e it up and I haven't been inspired yet. So this is what it looks like right now. I suppose something will occur to me when I take everything else down.
Well, I don't have a lot on the agenda today. I have laundry to do, and floors to sweep, mop and vac. And of course there is homeschool and Noah's room needs picking up, and well I suppose those things will keep me busy for a while. I also wanted to go to the library this afternoon sometime.
I woke up this morning around 5:00 with a bad headache. I had to take some Aleve and it is some better, but not completely gone. I am pretty sure I know what is causing it...
No menu plan for today, as of yet. Maybe later in the day, maybe not.
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