I feel much better now, only left with a cough and congestion.
My parents are here visiting for the holidays and the weather has for the most part been bad the entire time they have been here. I am hoping before they have to head south again that it will warm up and be sunny for a few days so we can get out and actually do something while they are here.
Christmas is just a few days away and I have pretty well done my shopping. I have a couple of items to pick up and little odds and ends like stocking stuffers to get, but other than that...I am about there. I didn't stress over it this year, just let it happen. I did most of my shopping online. The kids had small lists this year, there wasn't really anything major they wanted or needed. I told them early on that this year we were downsizing and weren't going to spend like we have in years past. So the girls were really good about keeping their lists down to a manageable size. Like Megan said, there really wasn't anything they needed, because they have so much already. I am glad that at 14 she can see that and understand how blessed she is.
I want my kids to learn to enjoy what they do have and find contentment in those things. And not constantly be seeking newer and better versions of what they have. I hope they will learn that the consumerist society we live in doesn't bring happiness. That you can't find fulfillment and happiness by getting more and more...what it actually does is leave you empty, unhappy, unfulfilled and wanting more...
My parents are here visiting for the holidays and the weather has for the most part been bad the entire time they have been here. I am hoping before they have to head south again that it will warm up and be sunny for a few days so we can get out and actually do something while they are here.
Christmas is just a few days away and I have pretty well done my shopping. I have a couple of items to pick up and little odds and ends like stocking stuffers to get, but other than that...I am about there. I didn't stress over it this year, just let it happen. I did most of my shopping online. The kids had small lists this year, there wasn't really anything major they wanted or needed. I told them early on that this year we were downsizing and weren't going to spend like we have in years past. So the girls were really good about keeping their lists down to a manageable size. Like Megan said, there really wasn't anything they needed, because they have so much already. I am glad that at 14 she can see that and understand how blessed she is.
I want my kids to learn to enjoy what they do have and find contentment in those things. And not constantly be seeking newer and better versions of what they have. I hope they will learn that the consumerist society we live in doesn't bring happiness. That you can't find fulfillment and happiness by getting more and more...what it actually does is leave you empty, unhappy, unfulfilled and wanting more...
For Noah, he only mentioned a couple of things he wanted, and that was when he would see something advertised, then he would forget about it later. I chose things I know he likes and would go along with the things he already enjoys playing with. The other day Megan asked him what he wanted for Christmas and he said he only wanted one gift for Christmas. She asked him if he was sure that he just wanted one, and he said yes, he just wanted one...
For him, it will just be the excitement of the morning and as long as he gets a few things he can open, he will be happy.
For me, this Christmas is about being thankful for God's blessings...there are so many things to be thankful for this year. And I wanted the girls especially to realize those blessings, and appreciate them. I want them to see that there are so many people that have lost their jobs and losing their homes and that those are the big things in life. The things we have faced are minor in comparison to what some people are facing this year. I want them to see beyond their wants and see the needs of others, realizing that there are hurting people in this world and there is more to this life than satisfying our wants...
I would hope that they could learn to reach out from themselves to offer the love of God to others. Getting beyond the selfishness that this world promotes and really love others in such a way that they are willing to not only see the needs of others, but actually give of themselves to help.
Of course, if I thought about it, I am sure I could come up with a list of things that I want, or could ask for, but for the most part, there really isn't anything that I need. Of course I could use a few more clothes, considering that most of mine are getting to loose on me, but for now, until I reach my goal weight, I will manage with what I have. I would also like to get a food processor or an external hard drive to store all of my pictures on, so I can get them off my computer...but really those aren't things I just have to have right now. I am sure with time those things will find their way into my life, but for this Christmas I want to really feel the true meaning of Christmas in my heart. For so many years, I have raced around trying to "do Christmas" that I never found the joy that Christmas is really about...this year, my wish is to really experience Christmas, to be present and feel the joy of it...
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