Fall is definitely in the air this week. It has been rainy and cool. I can feel it in my bones and in my nose. My sinus' and allergies are usually the first notifications of changing weather and seasons.
I once dreaded fall because I didn't like winter with its cold weather and sunless days. Spring was always my favorite time of the year...new beginnings, sunshine and such. But as I have gotten older, I find myself looking forward to and enjoying fall more. I have been worn down by the heat of summer and welcome the cooler days and nights. I love fall clothing; warm, soft sweaters, jackets and boots.
More weighted issues:
I joined Curves back in June of this year. But due to vacations, visitors and other summer things, I didn't commit myself completely to getting into shape. It wasn't until August, when things started to settle down and our routines got into a normal mode, that I was able to put myself completely behind the task of losing weight and getting into shape. I can understand how difficult it is for someone to take time to put into exercising and eating right. It is a job just to take time each day to workout and to figure out what to eat and what not to eat, plus taking the time to prepare the foods. It is much easier just to grab whatever and go...no wonder drive thru's are so popular. But once you start the process, it becomes easier and easier to do. Once I started filling my body with the good stuff, I no longer had cravings for the bad stuff. I continue to crave the good foods. And once I started working out more, I don't want to miss a scheduled workout. Although I may be tired, if I push myself to workout then I feel so much more energized after the workout. I feel much better and sleep much better.
Since changing my eating habits: I gave up all carbonated drinks (Dr Pepper of course was my drug of choice). I don't eat fast foods at all. I quit eating candy and junk foods. I eat fruits and veggies, as much seafood as I can get, lean meat and chicken. I eat out of a small plate and don't get seconds. I eat more slowly, allowing my body to send me the cues that it is full. I drink lots of water and eat fewer breads, pasta and rice. I keep healthy snacks around and don't allow myself to get hungry and just grab something to satisfy the hunger. I eat purposely and deliberately. Not leaving it to chance and bad eating decisions. I try to eat as close to natural as possible. In some places that is almost impossible, but I buy local when I can. I read all labels before buying, and avoid buying anything from China...due to that, it is hard to find seafood, especially at Walmart, one of the reason I despise that store. So I shop at other grocery stores that offer USA or local sea foods. Yes, it is more expensive, which pushes my grocery budget up, but I will allow for it to avoid imported foods. I know there are somethings, such as banana's that you can't get locally, they just don't grow banana's in North Carolina, but until they do, I suppose I will have to grit my teeth and bare it.
Since I started this process, I have lost 13 pounds and dropped two dress sizes! Yeah! I have a goal that I want to reach by Thanksgiving, and another I want to reach by spring. This time I will reach that goal! I am viewing it as one of the most important jobs I have now, besides being a wife and mother, those jobs always come first. But if I am healthier and in better shape, I will feel better and be better at my other jobs.
I am much happier and am not looking so much at the end point, but I am enjoying the journey, enjoying the challenges and process along the way. I didn't get out of shape overnight, so I can't expect to get my self back in shape overnight. It is a process, and the view from here is great!
After I have lost a little more weight, I am planning to start a 5k training program. I want to run a 5k, then a 10k and eventually a half marathon and a full marathon. That is down the road a ways, but if you don't start, you will never reach that goal. One step, one day at a time. So each morning I wake up and say to myself, "Just for today, I am going to eat right and exercise."
Not only am I reaping benefits in my body, but I am also feeling the effects in my emotional well being, in my mental alertness and sharpness, and in my spiritual awareness.
So all in all, I would say that the little bit of sacrifice is well worth the effort...
Holidays and family:
The holiday's are drawing nearer. We are planning to go to Tennessee for Thanksgiving and spend a couple of days with Andrew's family. Lauren is meeting us there, then coming back with us to North Carolina for a couple of months. Mom and Dad are planning a trip up the first of December to stay with us through the Christmas holiday. We are looking forward to spending time with family after being away for sometime now.
Odds and ends:
Been doing a little crafting lately. Trying to find my creative side in the midst of day to day activities. Megan is taking an arts class and enjoying it. Noah is also being creative and doing a lot of painting. I think it must be in the air...In general life is moving along...Sometimes it seems like it is flying by much to quickly.
Blogs I am enjoying lately:
Websites I like:
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