Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Birthday's, trips and such...

I haven't posted in a few days due to being very busy. Updates on the happenings are: My baby girl just turned 13!! I can't believe that she is already a teenager!
Friday, June 6th was her birthday and we decided to surprise her with a trip. She has always been into American Girl dolls and last year they opened an American Girl Boutique and Bistro in Dallas so we decided to go, before she got to old to want to go. So I got someone to cover for me at work Saturday and Andrew took off on Friday and we drove to Dallas for the weekend.
Noah having fun by the pool at the hotel

Megan, Noah and Andrew cooling off in the pool
Megan and I got up early Saturday morning and drove to the American Girl store and had a girls morning out.

Megan with her loot.

The girls of the year

We picked Andrew and Noah up at the hotel and drove out to Grapevine Mills outlet mall for a little while.

Noah enjoying a carousel ride

What a surprise to find a Thomas the Tank Engine store! Noah had a blast!

We had planned to go to the aquarium on Sunday, but decided to go visit with some cousins who live near Dallas and plan another trip back to the aquarium and Six-Flags in a few weeks.
Noah and Nikko

Beverly, Rick, and Nikko

After a nice visit with Bev and her family, we drove back down town and got out and walked around Dealey Plaza and the area where President John F. Kennedy was shot. It was very interesting and had a sacred feel to it. Maybe that was just me. Anyway, all in all it was a great trip. We all enjoyed ourselves and it was nice to get away.

These are photo's of Dealey Plaza and the building where Lee Harvey Oswald was said to have been when he supposedly shot JFK.

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