It has been a while since I updated. Seems like June has been a busy month. I have been working more than usual. I have trained on another route and substituted on that route a couple of days. I am going in today to train on the case on a route that I have had to carry twice without training. I am going to try to learn the case so I can be used on that route also. Not necessarily my idea, but that is the way it is going, so I am just going with the flow.
My job is one area that I completely turned over to God. Not that I haven't in other areas also, but the job is one that I just allow Him to handle it. I am torn about working outside of the home. I struggled for years with the notion that I should be working, having a career, and being a "super woman", having it all; great career, kids, husband, and the great life that all that was suppose to offer. But I have also struggled with the feelings that I needed to be home with my kids.
It wasn't until around the age of 38 or so, and the birth of my son, that I let it all go, and realized that I didn't want that life. I truly wanted to be a stay at home mom. But it was also around that time that we really needed the extra income boost. We had decided to stop traveling with the company that my husband had been working for and settle down in Arkansas. So my husband took a job locally, which meant less pay, lower bonuses, fewer benefits and perks.
We thought we could handle the reduction of pay, but didn't factor in all the other losses. Such as loss of a company truck, that also included insurance paid, GAS paid, all upkeep paid for by the company! Wow! When we had to buy another vehicle for Andrew to use for work, add to insurance, buy gas and pay for upkeep, that was a lot! Then at the same time, our oldest daughter got her drivers licenses! Was that a shock. She was added to our insurance also. It doubled!! Then add a third child, which as an infant required formula, diapers and all the other things babies need.
So all of this was unplanned for expenses that we didn't factor into our decision. But here we were and so we had to do something. I had prayed for years that God would provide me a job that I could do without being away from my family full time and long hours, but would provide enough extra to make a difference.
One night, while awake worrying about what we were going to do, I was on the Internet and thought, "Hey, I think I will check the post office and see if they are hiring part time. I signed up to take the test. I prayed that God would have His way in this situation. I went to take the test. A few weeks later I got the results, and I did well. A few days later I got a letter to come for an interview. I prayed again for God's will. I was given the job on the spot. I was told to go to training for close to three weeks. I again prayed God's will, and the training went well. I began to pray God's will in advance for the job placement and the right situation. I was placed in a great post office with great coworkers and supervisor.
I took each step at a time, and told God that it was all in His hands. While others fret and fuss about this or that, I say my job was given to me by God and it is in His hands. Recently there were changes made because route count was low this year. Many of the routes got changed from a K route to a J route. Among other things, a K route means the regular works 5 days a week and has a sub 1 day. On a J route the regular works 5 days one week and 6 the next. Meaning the subs only work every other week. The route I work is one of the only ones in our post office that wasn't affected. I am still working every week.
So I felt that was God's hand. I have been working at the post office over a year and a half, in November it will be two years, and in that time, we have had three supervisors. But I am not going to stress or worry. I go to work, I do my job to the best of my ability. I know that God gave it to me, if it is His will, He will move me or keep me there. My faith is in Him. He is my boss. I do my job unto Him, not for the supervisor, or the post office, but I am in service to God, even on my job. I have placed it into His hands, and accept His will in it. So when something happens at work regarding my schedule or my placement, I know it is His doing. And that makes it easier to accept the changes that take place with my job.
So far, He hasn't done me anything but Good! I know He will not fail but guide me in each step. Who knows where it may lead. When I took the job, I didn't think long term. And I still don't think to much about it. But if for instance, I am still there a few years down the road and a full route comes available, if it is His will, then I will take that step at that time. But for now, I am just doing what I am doing and letting God open the doors and with His help, I will step into them and follow His lead.
Well this isn't want I had in mind when I started this post, but it just ended up here. So for today I will leave it at this. There are other things I wanted to post about; the cake decorating class Megan and I are taking, photo's of recent happenings, the one year anniversary of my Mawmaw's death, and other things, but today this will have to suffice. I gotta go do some dishes and laundry and cleaning before I have to go to work at noon.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Birthday's, trips and such...
I haven't posted in a few days due to being very busy. Updates on the happenings are: My baby girl just turned 13!! I can't believe that she is already a teenager!
Friday, June 6th was her birthday and we decided to surprise her with a trip. She has always been into American Girl dolls and last year they opened an American Girl Boutique and Bistro in Dallas so we decided to go, before she got to old to want to go. So I got someone to cover for me at work Saturday and Andrew took off on Friday and we drove to Dallas for the weekend.
Noah having fun by the pool at the hotel

Megan with her loot.

Noah enjoying a carousel ride
What a surprise to find a Thomas the Tank Engine store! Noah had a blast!

We had planned to go to the aquarium on Sunday, but decided to go visit with some cousins who live near Dallas and plan another trip back to the aquarium and Six-Flags in a few weeks.
Noah and Nikko
Megan and I got up early Saturday morning and drove to the American Girl store and had a girls morning out.
Megan with her loot.
We picked Andrew and Noah up at the hotel and drove out to Grapevine Mills outlet mall for a little while.
Noah enjoying a carousel ride
We had planned to go to the aquarium on Sunday, but decided to go visit with some cousins who live near Dallas and plan another trip back to the aquarium and Six-Flags in a few weeks.
Beverly, Rick, and Nikko
After a nice visit with Bev and her family, we drove back down town and got out and walked around Dealey Plaza and the area where President John F. Kennedy was shot. It was very interesting and had a sacred feel to it. Maybe that was just me. Anyway, all in all it was a great trip. We all enjoyed ourselves and it was nice to get away.
After a nice visit with Bev and her family, we drove back down town and got out and walked around Dealey Plaza and the area where President John F. Kennedy was shot. It was very interesting and had a sacred feel to it. Maybe that was just me. Anyway, all in all it was a great trip. We all enjoyed ourselves and it was nice to get away.
These are photo's of Dealey Plaza and the building where Lee Harvey Oswald was said to have been when he supposedly shot JFK.

Thursday, June 5, 2008
The wisdom of Garfield
Have I ever mentioned how much I love Garfield. I use to have a couple of stuffed Garfield's that I kept in my car when I was young and single.

Anyway, I have always found his humor to be...well humorous!
Anyway, with all the heaviness of the world we live in, it doesn't hurt to occasionally find humor in things.
In fact, laughter doeth good like a medicine. Someone wise once said that and I would have to agree with him.
I have this cut out and put on my fridge and I laugh at it daily. Yea, I suppose I am easily amused, but it is so much the way I feel as of late! You know I am almost 42!

I found this one on a friend's mom's blog that also loves Garfield.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Tuesday's Adventures
Well, yesterday was Tuesday and you know what that means. Adventure...
Well, it doesn't always mean adventure, but yesterday we were up for an adventure so the kids and I jumped into our awaiting carriage...
Away we went...We went to the Rock...
We went to the downtown Little Rock Farmer's Market
Then we walked into the River Market because the girls were thirsty and wanted a drink. We got there just after the lunch crowd, so there were a few vacant spots to sit.
It was then that I spotted the two vacant vending spots on the right of the photo below. There are actually three, but one had a sign on it that something was just about to open there. It has been a long held dream of mine to have a small lunch style eatery. Or even a small family restaurant. Yes, I know, I am crazy, but this fueled my dreams...What if I could get one of those spots and open a lunch counter! The red one has a stove already in it. So it is ready...
But, for now, that is just a dream of mine, I don't really think that I could meet the demands of something like that right now. So, I will tuck that dream back inside my dream box and pull it out another time...
Chocolate Junkie
Why did you have to post such a wonderfully delicious, delightful, decadent dessert like this on your site? And why did I have to try it? I should have just walked away and let it be, but no, I couldn't do that. Those tempting photo's you posted. You made it look so easy, and it was easy.
That is the problem, it is to easy to walk into the kitchen and pull out the blender, pour in those chocolate chips, crack four eggs, add some vanilla and salt. Then pour over that hot coffee as it blends...
The hardest part is leaving it in the refrigerator long enough to set. So I do it at night, and in the morning, when I get up...OH! there are wonderful dishes of goodness waiting for me. All I have to do is top it with ready whip, and enjoy!!
I guess that I am just a chocolate junkie and couldn't help myself. Now I want it all the time.
This is the second time in two weeks that I have made this stuff and have eaten way to much of it.
You sure do know how to hurt a diet!
If you want the recipe for this luscious dessert you can get it here. But don't say that I didn't warn you...It is addictive!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Latest Acquisition
There is an antique mall/flea market just down the street from my house. I have been in there a couple of times and usually find several things I would love to have, but don't get because it is either too expensive or something I don't really need or both! But the other day I went in and found this chair that I just couldn't put out of my mind. I am usually the type of person that over thinks things before I buy or don't buy. I think of all the reasons that I don't need to spend the money, or say that I will come back another time and if it is still there, then I will consider buying it then.
But for some reason, I just couldn't get this chair out of my head. When I got home, I told Andrew about it and I called back down to the shop and asked the guy if the dealer would consider an offer. He said their policy was that they couldn't call the dealer if the price was under $100.00 but he could give it to me for ten percent off the listed price. Considering that, the chair would be about $4.00 more than what I was planning to offer for it. So I ran back down there in Andrew's truck and snatched it up. I purchased a couple of pillows and put on the back and I love it. It needs a touch up here and there, but has that great worn look that looks relaxing. It is my new sitting place.
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