It was spirit week at LCA this week. Today was superhero day. Here is my little superhero...what a cutie!
My Little Slice of Heaven
Vignettes of a Life in Transition
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Birthday's and such
We celebrated two birthday's this week. My sweetheart's birthday was Tuesday he turned forty-five. We celebrated with lasagna and cheese cake. Friday was Lauren's birthday. She turned twenty-two, although she keeps saying she wishes she were still eighteen, but don't we all!
Twenty-two years ago on August 12th, I became a mom for the first time. I was twenty-two, almost twenty-three years old. Now that little bundle is the age I was then. Mind boggling at times how quickly time goes.
I will never forget the way I felt holding my little baby when they placed her into my arms. I wasn't fearful, although if I had been smart, I would have probably been very afraid. You just don't realize how much your life changes once a baby becomes a part of it. Nothing is ever the same again. You become a very different person than the one you were before.
This morning I awoke with plans to cook a big breakfast. I had bacon and wanted to make homemade biscuits. I looked up a new buttermilk biscuit recipe and begin preparing the dough in my favorite glass bowl. Andrew joined me in the kitchen and we were talking as he cooked the bacon. After cutting out the biscuits and placing them into the oven, I begin to clean up the dirty dishes. I wash my big clear glass Pyrex bowl by hand and dried it to put away.
I love this bowl. I have had it for many years and have used it to mix cake batter, cookie dough, dumplings, brownies, biscuits and so many other things. It was the largest bowl I owned. I keep it on the top shelf in my cabinet over the dishwasher. I nest several smaller glass bowls inside due to space limitations in my kitchen. Which has never been a problem...until this morning. I don't know if my hands were still wet, maybe my arms were a little weak from not being awake long, but whatever the case, this bowl filled with the other glass bowls slipped from my hands and hit the counter top with a loud crash! Glass went flying! Everything stopped...when it was all over, my favorite bowl was shattered into millions of pieces all over the counter and the kitchen floor. I stood very still as the glass continued to spill off the counter top onto the floor.

This morning I awoke with plans to cook a big breakfast. I had bacon and wanted to make homemade biscuits. I looked up a new buttermilk biscuit recipe and begin preparing the dough in my favorite glass bowl. Andrew joined me in the kitchen and we were talking as he cooked the bacon. After cutting out the biscuits and placing them into the oven, I begin to clean up the dirty dishes. I wash my big clear glass Pyrex bowl by hand and dried it to put away.

I love this bowl. I have had it for many years and have used it to mix cake batter, cookie dough, dumplings, brownies, biscuits and so many other things. It was the largest bowl I owned. I keep it on the top shelf in my cabinet over the dishwasher. I nest several smaller glass bowls inside due to space limitations in my kitchen. Which has never been a problem...until this morning. I don't know if my hands were still wet, maybe my arms were a little weak from not being awake long, but whatever the case, this bowl filled with the other glass bowls slipped from my hands and hit the counter top with a loud crash! Glass went flying! Everything stopped...when it was all over, my favorite bowl was shattered into millions of pieces all over the counter and the kitchen floor. I stood very still as the glass continued to spill off the counter top onto the floor.
My husband ran to grab the shop vac and begin to vacuum up the glass from the floor while I bandaged my cuts. Then we worked together to clear away the debris. I ended up with three band aids, but no major cuts that would require stitches.
During all the calamity, the biscuits cooked on in the oven. Little did they know they would be the last thing that would be mixed in the big, glass Pyrex bowl. They were good, that is one consolation.
During all the calamity, the biscuits cooked on in the oven. Little did they know they would be the last thing that would be mixed in the big, glass Pyrex bowl. They were good, that is one consolation.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Eggs and a Few Things...
We have EGGS....
Hennie Pennie started laying last week. She was giving us one a day until Saturday...Andrew and I went to the flock swap at the Downtown family feed store and we brought home two more hens. We wanted to supplement our eggs production until our other six were old enough to lay. I guess these new hens disturbed Hennie Pennie's routine and she has skipped a couple of days giving eggs. On top of that, the two new hens have only given two eggs in four days. So I suppose it will take everyone a little time to adjust to the new conditions. Hennie Pennie is a barred rock and lays brown eggs. The two new ones, Goldie and Blackie, are Ameraucana's and they lay the blue-green "Easter" eggs.
Here are the last of my heirloom tomatoes. I was very disappointed with my tomatoes this year. I have never had problems growing tomatoes in my life. But this year, they got bottom rot and I lost all of my tomato plants. I did manage to harvest a few Roma's and a few of these heirloom variety tomatoes.
I planted a couple egg plants and this is my Japanese eggplant. I usually only plant black beauties but thought I would try something different. So far, so good.

One thing that did very well was my banana pepper plant. I just planted one, but it gave and abundance of peppers. I decided to pickle a few of them.

My fig trees started off with several figs this year, but as it ended up, I had one lone fig. I picked it and enjoyed a little taste of fig anyway. Well maybe next year they will do better. I can only hope.
The basil and carrots seem to be doing well. I harvested the potatoes last week and a few brussel sprouts. I have been putting up peas steadily the last few weeks. Clearing out beds to start planting for fall. Still in the planning stages, but need to get cracking as it is time now to plant a few things. Hopefully the fall garden will be more successful than the spring/summer one.
Just a little update on the happenings around the "urban ...stead." Next time I will try to have some pictures of the hens to post and hopefully a few more eggs. I will also try to remember to take a picture of Jack's new digs as well.
Hennie Pennie started laying last week. She was giving us one a day until Saturday...Andrew and I went to the flock swap at the Downtown family feed store and we brought home two more hens. We wanted to supplement our eggs production until our other six were old enough to lay. I guess these new hens disturbed Hennie Pennie's routine and she has skipped a couple of days giving eggs. On top of that, the two new hens have only given two eggs in four days. So I suppose it will take everyone a little time to adjust to the new conditions. Hennie Pennie is a barred rock and lays brown eggs. The two new ones, Goldie and Blackie, are Ameraucana's and they lay the blue-green "Easter" eggs.
One thing that did very well was my banana pepper plant. I just planted one, but it gave and abundance of peppers. I decided to pickle a few of them.
My fig trees started off with several figs this year, but as it ended up, I had one lone fig. I picked it and enjoyed a little taste of fig anyway. Well maybe next year they will do better. I can only hope.
Just a little update on the happenings around the "urban ...stead." Next time I will try to have some pictures of the hens to post and hopefully a few more eggs. I will also try to remember to take a picture of Jack's new digs as well.
Still enjoying my parents visiting and getting ready for Noah to start back to school in two weeks. The first of next week I will take him for a hair cut and supply shopping. He is getting excited, but I on the other hand, not so much! I have enjoyed our long, lazy summer days at home. But I suppose it will do us all some good to get back on a routine and have a little more structure in our lives...or not...
Friday, July 8, 2011
Great Resources
Here are a couple of resources for those of you who are interested in gardening and raising livestock on a small scale. Both offer great information for those who are beginning and for those who have some experience and just need a refresher. I would highly recommend them both for your home library.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Weekend festivities
The fourth of July has come and gone once again. This year we spent the holiday at home enjoying the pool and the grill. Andrew bought a few fireworks and we ended the day by sitting out front watching the fireworks display going on in the neighborhood and the kids got to shoot off a few of their own.

Lauren flew in from San Antonio on Thursday night and she stayed in Charlotte instead of catching her connecting flight on into Fayetteville because a friend of hers from Little Rock flew into Charlotte the same day for a visit. So Noah and I drove to the airport in Charlotte to pick them both up.
The following morning I noticed that the upstairs didn't seem to be keeping cool and we discovered that the air had apparently quit working. I am assuming it is the freon that needs replacing. Because of the holiday weekend, it was impossible to find someone to come and service it. So here we sit, Tuesday, July 5th still without air conditioning in the upstairs. Thank God that our downstairs unit is working fine. The problem is, all of our bedrooms are upstairs...
So I have been sleeping on the couch for the last four nights and will be again tonight. The HVAC guy is scheduled to come tomorrow at 11:00. I am praying that tomorrow night I will get to sleep in my bed again. My back is starting to rebel...
Recently I was in the library and ran across this wonderful little cookbook all about shrimp and grits. Sometime after reading this cookbook, I made a trip to Charleston, South Carolina and discovered a place called Hominy Grill. I also discovered their recipe for Low Country Shrimp and Grits. For three months now, I have been obsessing over shrimp and grits. I knew it wasn't a matter of if, but a matter of when I would try my hand at preparing this feast for myself. For some reason, today I decided would be the day. Nothing special about the day, I suppose I felt we deserved it since we have spent the last few days uncomfortable due having no air upstairs, and having to sleep on the couch and the livingroom floor. Maybe it was the fact that Andrew has to go back to work tomorrow after taking a long weekend off. I don't really know why I decided to cook such a wonderfully decadent indulgence tonight, but I did. And I must say, it was delicious!

Having excess zucchini and squash from the garden I have tried to find different ways in which to offer this delicious summer staple to my family. Tonight I grated one zucchini and one squash along with one carrot. I added some egg, seasonings, a little flour and some panko crumbs. And after squeezing the grated veggies for what seemed an endless time and still I was unable to squeeze all of the water from the veggies, I mixed all the ingredients into a bowl and then dropped spoonfuls at a time in a skillet with hot oil and cooked four minutes on each side. The resulting Zucchini/Squash fritters were a hit. At least they were a hit with Andrew and I, seeing as though the kids didn't even try them. I often wonder where I went wrong with those kids...but then I remember that I was the one who allowed them to eat or not eat what they wanted. I have many times gone back to the kitchen to prepare a different meal for a child that didn't like what was being served at the dinner table. So I suppose I did it to myself, and have only myself to blame. But I digress.

Along with the shrimp and grits and the zucchini fritters I sliced and grilled some french bread that I sprinkled with olive oil, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and dried basil. Grilled it long enough to put a few grill marks with a light toasting and served it with our special dip. Which consist of melted butter, some special seasoning and Andrew's secret ingredient...

Supper was delicious and very special on just an ordinary night at home. It was restaurant quality all at a fraction of the cost that we would have paid were we to have gone out to eat. The only problem is, I told Andrew that I wish I had a sous chef to help me prepare the meal and a bus boy and dishwasher to clean up afterwards.
To top it off, Lauren made a key lime pie for dessert...can't get much better than all of that.
Good thing I have a treadmill coming in ten days. Eating all that bread dipped in butter and all of the butter, cheese, and bacon in the grits, with the bacon grease used to fry the shrimp, and the whipped cream on the pie; well it could really put a hurting on a girl's figure...
family fun,
North Carolina
Friday, June 24, 2011
A Few Changes
Well as you can see, I've made a few changes to my blog. I felt it was past time for a change around here. I've had the same template since I started this blog so I hope you find it pleasing to the eye. I am still working on it, but it is up and running, so read on.

Well everyone is getting hungry and I have liver thawed for supper, so I better get into the kitchen and get cooking.
I know I have been scarce around here for some time now. But I hope that will soon change. I have been working on some blog post that I plan to put up soon. Of course, summer has been pretty lazy and laid back for me so if I am a little slow at it, just be patient. Some days I can't seem to resist the pool. So Noah and I often find ourselves spending long, lazy days in and out of the pool. Those days are usually followed up with long, lazy evenings on the deck and eating off the grill.
A few updates...
Well the chickens are doing well. We ended up with more roosters than hens with our first batch, so we had to find homes for the roosters because the neighbors were beginning to ask questions...So we bought a second batch of chicks and they are now big enough to go into the coop now. We got more Barred Rock and two Ameraucana's. We had those before and they lay the green/blue eggs. So although our egg collecting day will not come as soon as I had hoped, we are enjoying the process. Andrew finished the hen house and it looks very nice. I will try to post photo's soon.
Lauren left this morning to fly to San Antonio, TX to meet her boyfriends parents and family for the first time. I really think that will be all I will post about that right now.
Noah is enjoying his summer vacation. We have gone a couple of times to meet one of his school pals for a play date and they have had a really good time.
Megan is enjoying her summer as well. She has been taking a little break from piano lessons for the last few weeks. But she will start back on Tuesday. She also turned sweet sixteen this month and is officially looking for a job. She had a slumber party with a few friends and we gave her a surprise party after church on Sunday night. I really think we pulled it off and surprised her.
Some books I am reading:

Well everyone is getting hungry and I have liver thawed for supper, so I better get into the kitchen and get cooking.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Chicks and the Kid
Well spring has sprung around the Sandhills of North Carolina. The Bradford pear trees are in full bloom and the wisteria vines are everywhere.
In our own yard the grass is starting to green up some and the garden is coming along. I have one bed planted with cooler weather crops. I am hoping they will do well. We have the other beds ready to plant just waiting for the right time to put the other things in the ground.
A little over a month ago Andrew brought home eight Barred Rock chicks and they are really growing. He built an intermediate coop that we can put them in and let them peck around in the yard until he gets the full coop built. They are really enjoying sunning themselves in the warmth of the sunshine.
Today I took a few photos.

Noah had the day off from school today and enjoyed being out playing in the nice spring weather.

I have other things to post but I will save those for another time. Hope everyone enjoys a wonderful weekend. I will be spending mine studying for a test in my Anatomy and Physiology class next week. Good thing is, there is only one more test, a paper to write, and the final in the lecture class. I will be very glad to get this course behind me.
In our own yard the grass is starting to green up some and the garden is coming along. I have one bed planted with cooler weather crops. I am hoping they will do well. We have the other beds ready to plant just waiting for the right time to put the other things in the ground.
A little over a month ago Andrew brought home eight Barred Rock chicks and they are really growing. He built an intermediate coop that we can put them in and let them peck around in the yard until he gets the full coop built. They are really enjoying sunning themselves in the warmth of the sunshine.
Today I took a few photos.

Noah had the day off from school today and enjoyed being out playing in the nice spring weather.

I have other things to post but I will save those for another time. Hope everyone enjoys a wonderful weekend. I will be spending mine studying for a test in my Anatomy and Physiology class next week. Good thing is, there is only one more test, a paper to write, and the final in the lecture class. I will be very glad to get this course behind me.
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