Thursday, December 25, 2008
A Christmas Story
Click on link below....
Then click on Listen now, turn up the volume and really hear every word of the story. I like to close my eyes as I listen and visualize the story playing out in my mind. Grab some kleenex because you will need them...
John Henry Faulk's Christmas Story on National Public Radio.
Well, we are post Christmas gift opening and this is the breakdown on current activities:
Megan, Noah and Andrew are trying to figure out a Wii game that Megan got called Mario Cart,
Lauren is sleeping on the couch surrounded by opened gifts and covered in Megan's blanket.
Noah is whining because he wants to play Wii too, Mom is on the phone, Dad is snoozing it up, and I am aside from being on the computer, in the kitchen getting a few things ready for us to nibble on today.
Last night I cooked a ham, dirty rice, green peas, rolls and a carrot cake for Dad's birthday.
Today I took the easy way out, I sent Lauren to Whole Hog bbq yesterday to get a couple pounds of pulled pork for bbq sandwiches to go with the cocktail sausage, jalapeno cheese dip, cream cheese dip, crackers and chips. I think there is some of the carrot cake left, I made brownies, fudge and there is left over ham and dirty I think we will be well fed today, not that ALL of us (me) need to be well feed, uhmmmm.....but I will save that for a new years resolution!!
Well, the kitchen is calling, so I will post again later about the blessings the day brings. I have to work the next two days, so I will be scarce again.
At the end of the post I wanted to mention a family that we know from Louisiana who aren't having a good Christmas day today. Two days ago their 14 year old son was shot accidently and he died on Christmas Eve. His name was Brad Maddox. His parents are Danny and Sherry Maddox. The funeral is tomorrow, so please be in prayer for that family along with the family of the young man who accidently shot him. I am sure that both families are having a very difficult Christmas.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Cold Day in December
Little man isn't feeling well. He has had that allergy mess for a couple of days, but nothing major. But today he really felt bad and lay around most of the day. I am giving him Zertec and praying that he will be better in a day or two.
Here is a photo of him in the recliner. He had been playing gameboy earlier and fell asleep. The photo was taken after he woke from the nap.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Christmas Spirit Where are you???
Thursday, December 4, 2008
God in the small things...
Well we discovered that he, Beaux, was now back in the backyard but the side gate was wide open and the other two; Sadie and Scout were missing. We immediately jumped into the car and started riding around looking for them. Of course, if you know where we live, on a very busy street, your first instinct is...well, that it won't turn out well.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Fortune Cookie Wisdom Fried Chicken Dreams and Goodwill Bargains..
If it is in a pan, I can't fry it.
I have read how to remedy that and it still doesn't work for me.
It isn't because I didn't learn. I took four years of home-ec in high school and
My mom fried everything we ever ate, not really, but mostly...
We were the fried meat kind of people, at least they were..are still
But me, well, I am more of a bake, braise, boil, saute, steam, broil, blacken,
But with that said, there are times when frying is just want you want.
Like say fried chicken...
All kids like fried chicken, and I don't really want to have to drive down to
especially after they see my poor excuse for fried chicken.
Tonight I was in a daring mood and decided to try it again.
I pulled a bag of chicken parts from the freezer and thawed them.
Then I put milk into the bag for the chicken to soak in for a while.
What does this have to do with anything?
Well I asked myself that very thing before I sat down to write about it.
I suppose it means that sometimes, things just work out, sometimes they don't. Just because it never worked out for you before, doesn't mean it won't at some point happen.
What does all of that mean?
Well maybe I feel like sharing a little "fortune cookie wisdom" tonight.
Maybe I just have to much time on my hands and I am just rambling...
This was attached to it, done on a piece of vellum paper. I suppose I was in a "Fortune Cookie wisdom" kind of mood that day also. Sometimes I struggle with things; not great big things, but those small things in my head; like purpose, and why are we here, and what is the big picture. Maybe I am the only one...
...Anyway, this caught my eye. It was like a message, on a day when I needed some voice of wisdom speaking to me, some direction, some God-inspired message just for me. Whoever thought I could find such a thing at Goodwill, and for only two dollars at that! I'd say that was quite a bargain!
It also included magnetic letters that said I LOVE MY LITTLE. I started wondering about the previous owner. Little what? For me it would mean, my little ones, kiddos. But I wondered why the person that had this before decided to get rid of it. Did they stop dreaming? Did they no longer love their little? Yes, I have such a small brain that these things cause me to ponder...Humor me, please...
...or did they catch that dream that they dared...and did the little get the message no longer applied...
...maybe the motivation of the message worked so well for the prior owner they wanted to pass it along to someone they thought might need this bit of wisdom...
This is where I came in, searching through Goodwill for some source of inspiration. Some life changing Epiphany, some answers to those nagging questions that keep me up at night. So I bought it and it is now hanging on my kitchen wall, soon to be filled with comic strips that I find humorous or ironic. I will pass it daily and be reminded that in life, you should dare to dream, and you should always love your little_____!!!
I am sure that this post confirms what many of you have always believed about me...
I am a little nutty!! Some of you are saying, "More than a little nutty!"
But if you made it this far, at least it was interesting to you!!!
Or, like a freak show, you had to keep reading to see just how strange I do become!!!
Either way, thanks for visiting...tomorrow I may be medicated and the post may actually make sense...LOL!(not really, I'm not on medication, unless you count midol one week a month!) OH! TMI!! Sorry!Monday, December 1, 2008
Smothered Pork Chops/Spicy Ricey
Earlier today I typed in "Cajun smothered pork chops" and this is what it brought up. I thought it looked very similar to our dish. My recipe varies in the fact I don't use bell pepper (the kids wouldn't eat it if I added all of that), celery, or tomato paste. But all of that sounds pretty good!
I would say it could be called a pork gumbo. I can't even tell you where I got my recipe. I think it must have been inspired by something I had as a child; watching my mom or mawmaw cooking. But I suppose I just developed it on my own through the years. I'm sure it isn't unique in the least. I am sure that many of you have your own version of the same thing. I do know that it is very tasty, and my family really enjoys it.