Saturday, July 28, 2007

Long, hot day at work

Today was so hot!!! We have had some route changes at work, and my route changed. I lost one subdivision that I use to deliver to and gained a new one, plus an appartment complex and some businesses and the police station/fire department/City Hall...whatever! Anyway, I don't like the change at all! I just can't get use to it. And although I still have one subdivision that I use to have, the case has completely changed and nothing is in the right place at all!! So I am having to learn the case over again, just like it is all brand new. So it is taking me forever to get the mail put up. On top of that, the sudivision that was taken away from the route; was put on an auxiliary route and I still get a lot of their mail at my case. So I spent so much time dividing up my mail from their mail...Then on top of all of that, a wing was added to my case and not being use to pulling down from a wing, I somehow skipped two rows of mail today. I discovered it while I was out delivering. So after I finished the route, I had to return to the PO and get that mail and go back on the route and deliver that mail!! WOW! I was so burned out by the end of the day. And the heat was almost unbearable. I didn't get out of there until after 5:30.
Anyway, enough griping about all of that. It was just one of those days that you can't seem to get a grip on things, it all seems to just be a little more than you can balance. Well that is how it was for me today anyway. But as Scarlett O'hara once said; "Tomorrow IS another day..."
Well, not much going on here to really write home about. When I am working there isn't much time for anything else. So I will end with this thought...
Saturday's Inspiration

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Still under construction

I am still working on this space. But wanted to post so that you know I am still here. I did decide to continue my association with Homesteadblogger also, because I love the community of people and still yearn for the homesteading lifestyle. So since I am living in the city and no longer have the farm, I can live vicariously through the other great homesteaders on that site. So I will be posting there also, just to stay a part of that community. This however, will be my main blog. And I do have plans for this blog. I am just very busy right now, and will be working for the next 8 days straight, except for Sunday. So I don't know how much I will be here to blog until after next Saturday. I posted about this at, so you can go there to read about my work. So just to let you know that you can go between this place and the homesteadblogger link to read about my life which is sometimes crazy, stressful, dull, boring, average, exceiting; whatever it may be, it is my live, or at least the parts I choose to share. Thanks for coming by and taking time to read my post. PLEASE leave me a comment so I will know who is stopping by.
Here is :
My Thought For Today
Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard:
played by Patrick Stewart, from the film "Star Trek: Generations"

Monday, July 23, 2007

Just moving in...

This blog is currently under construction. I will be posting soon. Leave me a comment and come back when things aren't in such a mess. Remember: The one constant in life, is change!!!


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